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Nightmare Fuel / I Wish

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  • The general premise: a wizard that can fulfill almost anything you want, as long as it doesn't involve life and death, but you have to give him your dearest thing in exchange. And many people don't know what that is, which can lead to very nasty surprises. Your dearest thing could be a person.
  • The curse Seven has placed on Lyu-Ui. He gets reborn a million times, but this also means he'll die a million times. And since Seven was angry at him, he expanded this to include that Lyu-Ui would die before his 20th birthday, and always in extremely painful ways — and Lyu-Ui has been beheaded; eviscerated in mid-air from an airplane explosion; and was a victim of a serial killer that chopped him up into pieces.
  • After Wye sacrifices himself to keep Dee safe, K tells her that one of his few friends is lying dead in front of him, and yet he has no feelings of anger or wanting revenge on the people that killed him. The only thing on his mind being Lyu-Jin because of the Love Potion he drank.
