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Nightmare Fuel / Hugo the TV Troll

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  • In the classic games, Scylla (the series' Big Bad) straight up addresses the player in quite a menacing way. The opening cutscene has her take up the majority of the screen, first looking at Hugo's family that she imprisoned in the cage before turning to face the viewer, saying that she can see you and scratching the screen with her sharp fingernail,making a hideous high-pitched noise. On top of that, she looks really freaky the entire time. Some versions up the ante, such as the Croatian version making her even more terrifying than she already is by providing her with a genuinely scary voice.
  • Jungle Island has a few creepy moments.
    • In the Rumble Ride game, one of the losing cutscenes has the minecart containing Hugo, Fernando and Jean Paul being pushed off by the villainous monkeys, and landing into molten lava. What follows is the trio fearfully standing on top of the sinking minecart as they look down, before they're suddenly incinerated by a giant blaze and reduced to skeletons, giving one final wave before falling apart and dropping into the lava. They literally had the guts to make the main characters horribly die on-screen!
    • In Volcano, the final stretch before reaching the end has monkeys that will chase after Hugo once he's spotted by one standing on the side. Getting captured by a monkey here treats the player to a cutscene where the monkey that caught Hugo presents him to a much larger monkey, which quickly proceeds to swallow him alive.
