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Nightmare Fuel / Henchgirl

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  • Tina impaling the guard at Dr. Maniac's office with her carrot arm.
  • Coco's death. After being judged “unworthy” by Amelia, Amelia zaps her with the Angelic Scepter. Amelia's powers turn the Angelic Scepter into a death ray (when it was used by the Butterfly Gang, it was more like a taser), essentially cooking Coco. (Imagine a human-sized butterfly hitting a bug zapper.) Coco's corpse crumbles when Fred touches her. Mary would have been next had Paige not pushed her out of the way. The scepter was apparently used at least once as a death ray by Mr. B too? (Issue 1, toward the end.)
  • Tina defeating Evil Tina in the second edition's new material. Evil Tina (a sentient carrot) has Tina's carrot powers controlled with a power dampener, so Tina bites Evil Tina's head off.
