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Nightmare Fuel / Hellsing Ultimate Abridged

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This is a Hellsing abridged series, so naturally it's to be expected... For moments from the original series, see here.

Warning: Spoilers Off on moment subpages, so read at your own risk.

  • Impressively, Team Four Star has managed to make an already tense scene from a horror-themed anime even more terrifying. Jan's call to Integra and the Convention of Twelve is changed drastically in this version. Instead of boasting about how awesome he is and telling them to "piss themselves and pray to their impotent God," he instead forces a Hellsing employee (who cries throughout the ordeal) to read a note detailing the violent and sexually graphic things Jan plans to do with Integra when he gets his hands on her. He then kills the employee and laughs about it before hanging up.
    Hellsing Employee: ... (still reading Jan's threat) Now pardon me while I blow this faggot ginger's brains out-OHGODNO! (gunshot)
    Jan: (laughing) Oh, his fucking face man! Oh, now that shit is priceless!
  • On another note from that episode, Luke's Sound-Only Death. We hear Alucard taunting him while eating him alive as well as Luke's horrified screams until his voice finally dies. It's terrifying In-Universe too, since Integra uses it to convince the Council of Twelve to keep funding the Hellsing Organization.
  • Even with (or rather because of) the ironic music playing, Millennium's attack on London is just as horrifying as it was in the source material, if not worse. It's spine chilling when The Major speaks lines from War.
    The Major: Induction, then destruction. WHO WANTS TO DIE?!
  • In episode 6, there is a flashback to Seras' parents being murdered, and her mother's corpse being raped. This scene is not played for laughs, and even the sliver of Black Comedy at the end (where Seras bluntly says "I grew up in Leeds. Nothing happened.") is Seras being a clearly traumatized person trying not to think of such horrible events in their life.
  • In episode 7, Team Four Star added more humor to the scenes. It did not remove the most horrifying scenes, including what Zorin does to Seras, such as a full flashback to the murder of her parents, then Zorin cutting off Seras' arm and blinding her with her scythe. That's where the title comes from.
  • In episode 8, Alucard's reaction to Walter heartlessly crushing Anderson's skull as he was about to say his last words. While Walter does deliver a smarmy Bond One-Liner, in context it just makes things worse. If you did find it funny, the humor is quickly snuffed out by the pure, absolute fury as Alucard howls his rage into the sky. Completely out of character with everything we've seen from Alucard up until now, and it is terrifying.
    • There's also the scene where Alexander Anderson stabs himself through the heart with the Nail of Helena, aka one of the nails that pierced Christ's body, so as to bring the LITERAL POWER OF GOD down on Alucard. Try to sleep after seeing that, why don'tcha'?
