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Nightmare Fuel / Heartland

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Who could have expected a show about healing horses could be so scary?

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    Season One 
  • Amy is severely injured and Marion killed in a car accident that also severely traumatizes Spartan. Imagine being Jack receiving that phone call to find out your daughter is dead and your granddaughter is in the hospital!
  • While both Lou and Amy are out for the night with their respective beaux, one of Tim's former employees sets fire to Heartland's barn, and Jack is severely injured letting all the horses into the paddock.
  • Spartan is very clearly spooked by the sight of his abusive owner at the Fall Finale.
    Season Two 
  • The wild stallion, Ghost, nearly kills Amy when he rushes at her; it is only Ty and Caleb's quick thinking that prevents her from being injured.
  • Cattle rustlers hold up Amy at gunpoint when only she, Ty, and Caleb (all teenagers without cell phones) are on watch at Tim's cattle ranch; if Ashley hadn't seen the cattle rustler's trucks, all three might have been kidnapped or killed.
    Season Three 
  • The ghost story of what happened in Hanley Barn.
  • Even though Hanley Barn is not actually haunted, something is going around spooking all the horses; we eventually find out it is one of Mr. Hanley's neighbors spiking the horses' feed with glycogen loader in an effort to force him to sell his farm.
  • A cougar winds up breaking into Heartland, killing one of the hens and ultimately even breaking into the horse barn (though none of the horses or Amy or Ty gets hurt).
  • Richard Chenoweth, the oil exec, is a world-class creep, constantly coming onto Lou and even telling her that the best way to make the lawsuit go away is to "spend the night" with him and trying to assault her when she reveals that she was recording their conversation.
