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Nightmare Fuel / Harry101UK

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Harry's videos paint Aperture Science as a dystopia ruled by GLaDOS, who tortures her own AI brethren as much as she tortures the human test subjects.

  • "This is Aperture" is a Portal version of "This is Halloween", and while it's a clever song and video, it emphasizes some of the creepier parts of the game and the fact that everything in Aperture Science is trying to kill you. Even the announcer manages to sound a bit sinister. Even Cave Johnson, of all people, sounds a tad bit unsettling. You're not safe in Aperture!
  • GLaDOS Is To Blame helps cement that idea. The truly scary part is, virtually nothing in-game suggests this is at all inaccurate.
  • The Pit Song manages to top them both, and is also a major Tear Jerker. It was originally meant for an episode of the Machinima The Underground, which would have featured "The Pit" where defective robots are "tortured, destroyed, reappropriated, or just left to rot". The music video consists of a montage of the robots' horrific (from their perspective) fates, and they are portrayed as sentient and completely aware that they have failed.
  • Making Science gets some points for showing Chell's reaction to Wheatley's betrayal.
  • Carol of the Turrets turns a beautiful Christmas carol into an eerie, super-creepy song about killing test subjects. What makes it really disturbing is that this seems to be the actual attitude of Aperture Science in the games, or at least the AI. "Neurotoxin is pumping in from everywhere filling the air..."
