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Nightmare Fuel / Happy Gilmore

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  • The reveal that Chubbs has a prosthetic hand is played for as much shock value as possible. Up until the reveal, his right hand had been strategically hidden. In the same scene, Chubbs shows off a jar containing the eyeball of the alligator that bit off his hand. Overlapping with Awesome Moments as it shows that even after suffering a missing hand, shock and blood loss, the man is a force to reckoned with.
    Chubbs: He got me, but I tore one of that bastard's eyes out, though! Look at that, huh? *taps on jar*
    Happy: You're pretty sick, Chubbs.
  • The giant, creepy looking clown head on the mini golf course. It laughs at Happy every time he misses. And even once spits the ball out back at Happy.
  • The resthome/sweatshop has the power to make everyone fear for their grandparents.
  • The death of Chubbs. Happy comes across the alligator that bit his mentor's hand off, and decides to get even by decapitating the reptile and giving the severed head to Chubbs as a gift. Unfortunately Chubbs freaks out at the sight of it and ends up falling out the window to his death.
  • Mr. Larson. Oh sure he's nice and polite when not provoked, but Shooter's reaction to seeing him for the first time is justified to a degree. Then there's when he gets mad...
