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Nightmare Fuel / Gravity Falls: Lost Legends

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Face It

  • Mr. What's-His-Face stealing faces.
  • A faceless Mabel uses a red pencil to draw a smile on herself while slowly turning towards Grunkle Stan and the reader. His response of slowly shuffling away is reasonable.
  • It might be Played for Laughs, but one of the monsters that wanted to buy Dipper and Pacifica is the Slender Man. You gotta wonder what he wanted with them.
  • The fact that one of the former members of the Society of the Blind Eye is not only still out there, but is selling some of the memories of the townspeople. Including Wendy's Missing Mom's!

Comix Up

  • The entire story is really funny. And then you decide to decipher the ciphers and find THIS hell of a Wham Line in the graveyard scene.
    Gravestones: BILL LIVES

Don't Dimension It

  • Stanbel is literally a Mabel with Stan's face and gray hair, and was announcing that s/he was single... truly someone that exists to give you nightmares. (Don't think too hard about whether s/he sounds like Stan or Mabel... or both.)
    Stanbel: HEYYY! Stanbel is single and ready to mingle!
  • Anti-Mabel planned to get Stan and Ford killed and then lie to Dipper about it.
