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Nightmare Fuel / Grave Encounters

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  • The Girl shown on the right.
    • In the scene leading up to her appearance, the crew see what they think is Matt running across the hall just ahead of them. If the viewer pays close enough attention, it's revealed to be her instead. Freaky case of Five-Second Foreshadowing.
  • The last 30 minutes manage to be quite effective, while sometimes being also a bit derivative, showing Lance finally losing it and finding Dr. Friedkin's operating room where he did occult rituals.
  • Matt. He's the first to disappear, when the crew find him later on, he's a babbling lunatic, and we never find out what happened to him. Not long after they find him, he gains enough sense to jump down an elevator shaft.
  • The bald entity in the preceding scene that attacks Lance and Sasha.
  • T.C. vanishing by being dragged away by the girl in the bathtub, who bursts from the bloody waters and drags him in. He's long gone by the time Lance and Sasha tip the tub over to rescue him.
  • Houston's separation from the group - Nothing Is Scarier up to eleven, as he wanders through the hospital in pitch darkness for a solid two minutes, then he's promptly murdered by an invisible presence that lifts him into the air and throws him down the hallway. This is recorded for the audience by one of Matt's wall-mounted cameras, showing the viewer that the entity really is invisible for real, and not just for Houston.
    • By this point, the crew have been trapped in the hospital for 46 hours.
  • The following scene has the crew awakening to find hospital bracelets on their wrists, with their full names and dates of birth. If nothing else, this is their realization that they're never getting out.
    Lance: What the fuck does this mean?
    T.C.: It means we're fucked! Okay? That's what it fucking means!
    Lance: This is insane... This is fucking insane!
  • The arm that bursts through the door and grabs Sasha just as she's chastising Lance for filming like they're still recording for the show. It fades away before retreating into the door.
  • Lance's lobotomy was a Real Method: Transorbital lobotomy, Invented with a Icepick, grapefruit, a rubber mallet and a cadaver as a cheap method that could be done without painkillers due to asylums' often low budgets.
    • And of course, him having gone through one at the end, complete with the finished Apocalyptic Log.
  • Lance finding photos of the Grave Encounters team being experimented on in the final five minutes of the movie.
  • In fact, Lance's entire descent into insanity after Sasha's disappearance, from blaming the audience for his predicament, eating a rat, and then just screeching in the tunnel.
  • The sheer mindbreaking reality warping the Hospital is capable of. The hospital itself is an unfathomable predator and like the foolish mice they were, none of the team realized that they've unwittingly entered the cat/Hospital's tummy until it was too late. Their food rots like its been there for weeks instead of hours, the sun never rises, and the doors just loop back into the building. Time means nothing there. And it seems to do it willingly considering how much it loves fucking with the team by making them think they found an exit. In other words, the second the team decided to stay the night at the place, they were fucked.
    • The implications of the Hospital's true nature are equally as unnerving. Its implied by some occult books Lance finds in the operating room that the head doctor may have created the place through experimentation with black magic.
    • Once the scene where Sasha's back is scratched passes, the crew is subjected to hearing ambience consisting of the psychotic screams of the spirits. Needless to say, the spirits and the hospital were wide awake, endlessly reminding the crew that they're the hospitals newest additions.
  • Sasha's disappearance. She slowly becomes sicker as the movie progresses, just to disappear in a dense fog. Yeesh.
  • Some of the early hauntings, which are only seen by the viewers, since the crew never has a chance to review them, such as the wheelchair moving on it's own behind T.C when he's talking on the phone, the upstairs window opening on it's own, and a massive amount of ghost orbs showing up in the photo Lance takes in the hallway where the ghost made Sasha's hair move. The viewer knows that the hospital is the real deal before the crew does...
  • The horde of ghostly black arms that reach out of the walls and ceiling and attack the team in one scene. Eek.
