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Nightmare Fuel / Got Milk?

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First, her niƱos; now, her leche.

For a set of commercials that are promoting the importance of milk (and in often hilarious ways), some commercials can get a bit dark and creepy at times.

  • This infamous Got Milk Commercial where a mother tries to tell her kids to drink their milk, but the kids refused to drink their milk and they stated that their neighbor Mr. Miller never drank any milk. We then zoom in on Mr. Miller and he tries to lift his wheelbarrow, until both of his arms come off. This causes the kids to scream in terror and quickly drink their milks.
  • Another commercial involves an old lady trying to give her cats some milk, but she ends up running out of milk and tries to feed her cats powdered milk instead. But the cats weren't satisfied and they ended up cornering the old lady to the point where they locked the doors and the commercial ends with the old lady having a massive Oh, Crap! look on her face as the cats turn off the lights.
  • This commercial where a Magician performs at a retirement home and they are celebrating the birthday of an old man. The Magician performs most of his tricks until he does a magic trick where he pours a jug of milk into his hat and makes the milk disappear. This then angers the elderly folks as they start cornering the magician, with an elderly lady telling them to lock the door as they walk menacingly towards the magician.
  • The La Llorona commercial where La Llorona herself sneaks inside a house during the night and is constantly wailing over a sleeping couple. But then, there's a bit of Nightmare Retardant towards the end when it turns out that La Llorona just wanted some milk, but finds out that the milk carton is empty and wails even more. What makes this commercial a bit disturbing was the dark atmosphere and the appearance of La Llorona herself.
  • This commercial has the Pillsbury Doughboy assist a family with making chocolate chip cookies... and helping himself to their milk offscreen. They respond by stuffing him into the oven. Burns start to form on his body and he screams in agony when his hat catches fire. Disproportionate Retribution, much?
