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Nightmare Fuel / Godzilla (1998)

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  • The opening. It starts out with a map of the French Polynesia region, along with some peaceful shots of beaches and the sea accompanied by the soft tunes of La Marseillaise. Then the film's title enters with an ominous hum we get a glimpse of a sign for a nuclear testing site. The music then transitions into Godzilla's theme as we see a colony of iguanas and other reptiles skulking about the testing site, watching on as the crew tear down the island's natural ecology. Then the bomb goes off, creating an epic mushroom cloud that goes on for miles while the reptiles can only look on in wonder before closing in on an iguana egg that managed to avoid the decimation.
  • The Godzilla species. Giant carnivores that can reproduce asexually, lay eggs that fill the entirety of Madison Square Garden within days, and can appear and disappear within the blink of an eye, and without a sound.
    • Consider the ecological implications, and you realize that this is a potential doomsday scenario as the Godzilla species reproduces so rapidly that they'd probably eat the rest of Earth's life into extinction within just a couple of generations. The unmade sequel's script actually addresses this, specifically that not all Godzillas live to adulthood. By the time the surviving Godzilla is found in the Australian Outback, it has reproduced, though there are only about 20 Godzillas there. The rest died of natural causes, such as being killed by predators.
  • Godzilla pulling all three fishing trawlers underwater in the middle of the night by their nets. The crews work frantically to free their ships, only to be forced to abandon ship in a panic, all the while being completely unaware of what's lurking below them. They are quite fortunate to survive their ordeal.
  • Godzilla's arrival in New York City. Even before his rampage begins, the first thing he encounters is a harmless old man fishing along the docks when a massive, undefinable mass barrels towards him, forcing him to flee for his life as the dock beneath him shatters. Even worse, we don't even know if he survived his ordeal or not.
  • Godzilla completely plowed his way through the center of the MetLife building in Midtown Manhattan. One just has to wonder how it could possibly still be standing after that kind of damage.
  • Imagine being any one of those helicopter pilots when Godzilla plucks them out of the sky. Bear in mind that he bites into two of them as they try to flee.
  • The Baby 'Zillas are rather terrifying. There are just so damn many of them, and they all hunt down, kill, and devour Philippe's men. And given that they're expies of the Velociraptors in Jurassic Park, there is one point that makes things worse: In Jurassic Park, the protagonists had to deal with only 3-4 Velociraptors; in this film, the heroes have to contend with a whole nest of Baby 'Zillas.
  • In Madison Square Garden, the heroes make great efforts to pen all the baby 'Zillas in. Too bad they forgot the Godzilla-sized hole from the subway that they came in through. An important oversight for creatures that have an instinct to burrow.
  • When Godzilla sees all his babies are dead. He's so enraged that he goes after the four main characters (who are actually responsible for the air strike), where he relentlessly chases after them.
