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Nightmare Fuel / Glitchtale

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You'll be seeing that Slasher Smile again in your dreams. note 
As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Chara in Season 1:
    • In Megalomaniac, Chara literally takes over Frisk's body and reduces them to a spectator for a while. From Frisk's point, we can see Chara dancing around Sans and utterly outclassing him, someone who nearly pushed Frisk into a reset. Should Frisk have not somehow separated from Chara, the series would have ended then and there.
    • They then make a comeback in *Determination, where they pretty much jump Frisk and throw them into the DT Extractor and we get to see how painful that process is. Then, after the determination is extracted and Sans and Flowey try to stop them from reaching it, they cut off their own arm and win the fight that way. That's right, they won.
  • The stark difference between Gaster's original demeanor and what he became after falling into the CORE. The sheer loneliness seems to have made him Go Mad from the Isolation and turn a bitter, sociopathic abomination who Would Hurt a Child, as shown in "Yet Darker." Compare this to the genial, jokey, and self-sacrificing Gaster that we see in "Your Best Friend." His appearance in "Yet Darker" was a bit unnerving already, but with the new sounds in the compilation, he's almost horror movie material.
  • The dark figure that appears to Mrs. Grey at the end of "My Sunshine" after she vows revenge on the monsters. It's the first appearance of Betty, and the resemblance to Season 1's hate-filled Chara left a lot of fans anxious for the main cast.
  • Betty manages to top Chara as a Big Bad in the episode "Dust". Shortly after her Evil All Along reveal, she straight-up murders Sans, and it's not a clean shot, by any means... the weapon used is a spear made of magic, which penetrates him and leaves visible blood on it, and goes straight through his soul. Akumu then goes a step farther and devours his soul onscreen, which is Betty's modus operandi. Her MO is also creating hallucinations, or rather, twisted versions of someone's fears. And she's already used this ability to pull off a Shape Shifter Guilt Trip, and an excellent disguise, to the point where she even fooled Sans, who's perceptive enough to notice changes in the timeline from a linear standpoint.
    • From the same episode, Jessica being tortured by Betty off-screen at the very end, when she refuses to hand over the hate to Betty.
  • Betty impersonates the child of Integrity... and then jumpscares Mrs. Grey (and the audience), resembling Chara in the process.
  • Gaster doesn't mess around in "Do Or Die". He has a new special attack, "Duality", which forms a pair of giant hands, and he uses it in tandem with his signature Gaster Blaster. Sounds awesome (and it is), but that thing has gotten a huge upgrade, and it makes it look like Gaster has somehow managed to take control of an otherworldly Eldritch Abomination. Since the events of Dust, as well, Gaster is much more serious and effective, particularly in his fighting. He offers nothing in the way of comic relief or even a reprieve from the brutality of the fight. If he weren't attacking the Big Bad, it'd be hard to cheer for him.
    • On a separate note, the attack Duality gets scarier for the audience when Betty actually steals control of it. The fight becomes extremely one-sided and brutal as a result, with Betty beating Gaster down so badly that he has a flashback to when he fell in the Core.
  • Akumu fuses into Betty to form their attacks, and at one point Betty's Slasher Smile is replaced with Akumu and his Nightmare Face.
  • Cam, one of the children learning magic at Toriel's school, goes to help their sister when the school comes under attack. They beat up the little pink minion thing and go to take their sister away, only for a new pink thing to be revealed to have been hiding under the table, stabbing Cam in the back and taking their soul for Betty. Right in front of their little sister, might I add.
Love, Part 1
  • Akumu drinks the HATE essence. While it empowers Betty, it has severely detrimental effects on her, and is urging her to abandon her mission and do...something. Given the source of the HATE, there are very dark implications for what will happen when the HATE consumes Betty, which it just might considering how powerful it is.
    • To underscore how bad HATE is, the initial revival of Betty is genuinely unsettling. To start, her expression is devoid of any emotion and looks completely alien on the normally expressive villainess we’ve come to know. In addition, the music shifting from heroic guitar to soft piano and the slightly warping camera add to the overall feeling that something is wrong here.
  • We also get a lovely shot of the pink monsters' handiwork on Cam. Frisk had a flashback to his body... it's not a pleasant sight.
  • Cami released some deleted scenes on her Twitch live stream involving Betty and Hate having an argument (confirming that Hate is sentient). Betty talks to Kumu about potentially "losing her body" but being able to gain another one if need be to try again - meaning that if her body is destroyed, the last trace of Amber may be gone for good. Hate then manifests out of her soul in the form of an even-creepier Black Kumu with an eel-like physique and mentions that the Magician (Agate) who performed the spell to bring Amber back as Betty didn't care about the host she used. Hate is showing amusement over what happened to Amber. Betty snaps back that she controls her body and not Hate (whose eyes turn red) and that it got cast out easily by Asriel and Chara despite being the most powerful negative emotion, but Kumu decided to give Hate a body to share with Betty. She then smiles at the idea that she still has a physical form. The scene was presumably deleted to preserve the Nothing Is Scarier nature of a voiceless Hate and to keep Amber's nature a secret.
  • The secret of Glitchtale is revealed in "Love": it is Camilla's version of Hard Mode Undertale, a Hard Mode that includes events such as fighting Gaster, and Frisk just reset every time things went bad. And it is revealed that, as Chara explained, Frisk threw all their HATE onto them. And Akumu and Betty have taken in the HATE sample that Grey had...
Love, Part 2
  • Gaster watching the AMD's past footage (37 days ago) of the Barrier breaking - and he sees Hate (as a shapeless blob) leaping through the woods after which it flies into and past the camera. That thing was always sentient, alive and kicking. When Gaster realizes that Jessica kept it contained all this time without telling anyone (which could have saved Sans and Alphys), he crushes a pen to bits in his hand out of sheer Tranquil Fury and seems ready to destroy her... until the fight goes out of him and he just wishes that he never met her. Thank goodness for Papyrus and his gift for fixing things.
  • Nightmare Flowey. Goddamned Nightmare Flowey. He is the Nightmares of Asriel's mind, and his inner demons, and he already acts in a creepy demeanor, and cranks it up to eleven in creepiness factor by willfully changing his body, in a throwback to some of Flowey's creepier moments in the game.
  • In their climactic battle, Betty pounds the crap out of Frisk without using a single drop of Hate... and then Asriel joins in when Frisk is about to go down... and Betty steals his soul using a little trick involving Kumu and another scythe. Frisk is beyond enraged and vows to kill her no matter the cost, instantly jumping to LV 19 out of sheer fury, even opening their eyes for the first time and showing them to be a great example of Red Eyes, Take Warning. They turn Betty's Curb-Stomp Battle right back at her and start literally cutting her to pieces, although Hate allows her to regenerate.
    • Hate also appears to be growing her limbs back very slowly in comparison with how she normally regenerates. Is Frisk's magic sword preventing her from regenerating fully, or is Hate purposely drawing out the regeneration For the Evulz to make its pawn feel pain?
  • Now getting truly desperate, Betty gets an idea and calls out to Frisk in a false-cheery voice, asking if she can get help. She produces a near-empty soul from Kumu's mouth... a monster soul... and fills it with Hate, causing the appearance of a nightmarishly possessed Sans, who immediately starts owning the fight with Frisk and who even attacks Papyrus.
  • Betty sees Gaster, Toriel, and Asgore arriving and decides to use more of Hate to create a barrier to stop them from interfering - she stops just short of it covering her eyes completely. She was that close to suffering another Villain Override from something even worse than her. Once Sans breaks free of Hate's control, she and Kumu are weakened and immediately book it - not just because Sans has rejoined the team against them, but because if Betty is too weak, Hate will regain full control over her.
  • The Stinger shows a visibly uncomfortable Frisk realizing that they are running out of time to stop Betty, Kumu, and Hate before they inevitably hit LV 20 - something they've not yet done, and which the audience can only hope doesn't happen.
    • An astute observer can also see that HATE is already inside Frisk even if just a small amount you can see it just before Frisk creates that huge Explosion. Which Means HATE Could have 3 Pawns under it's full control if things go bad Frisk, Betty and Akumu and Asriel
  • Then there's the Glitchtale Season 2 prequel comic, of which it depicts when the Barrier is broken, and Akumu and Betty finally wake up. They at first seem genuinely innocent. They don't know about their past, and it seems as though they may get to live their own life peacefully. They meet Kumu, and they look happy and ready to go on an adventure to find a new life. Then comes the presumable spirit of Agate Lightvale corrupting her into fulfilling her mission, and we get that all to classic Slasher Smile.
  • Cami confirmed that Frisk's death will erase the whole timeline. Betty is unknowingly pulling a Suicide Attack by trying to kill Frisk, as their death will effectively erase her from existence too, however Cami says that she wouldn't care even if she knew.
My Promise
  • The trailer for episode 5 - "My Promise". For once, there is not even a hint of a smile on Betty's face. She stares ahead unblinkingly, as though her last little bits of sanity are draining away. Then it changes to a scene where she looks furious, grabbing Asriel's soul (which is already fast becoming tainted by HATE) and beginning to crack it just by squeezing.
  • The episode opens on Betty frustrated with Hate's corruption of the souls. Then we learn the bombshell:
    Betty: I never got used to be split in two anyways.
  • This leads to the two performing a perverted Fusion Dance involving Betty being impaled, leading to a creepy nightmare face that's a mix of Betty and Kumu's appearances. This moment also takes away the humanizing moments between Betty and Kumu for caring for each other, as it shows that they only did that out of self preservation since they are each other.
Game Over: Part 1
  • Gaster's Sanity Slippage throughout the episode, growing desperate trying to save Sans through any means necessary. He gets some very creepy smiles in as the sleep deprivation hits him even more. It only gets worse when Papyrus tries to leave with Jessica.
  • Betty's Slasher Smile at the end of the episode, which is not only very detailed, but well animated too.
Game Over: Part 2
  • Betty tops herself here, somehow, her expressions, her demeanor, and the way she leads a one-girl assault on the entire city. With her grossly-disfigured demonic face, her constantly shapeshifting and mutating limbs and her control over murderous pink blobs as well as being able to power up with a sentient form of HATE achieved from a vial, she'd be right at home as a Big Bad in Resident Evil.
  • During her fight with Mettaton, he blasts her in the face and when it cuts to her we see it's starting to FALL OFF, and there's a pink Akumu construct underneath (With by the way, TEETH). Even worse, when Mettaton fires the stage lights in an attempt to kill her, searing off her skin, she starts walking through it and there’s a brief shot of her form underneath her “Amber” appearance being pure pink as well as her hair growing longer to resemble Agate before returning to normal. It's all but stated THAT'S Betty's true form.
  • The Kaiju Betty created by fusing all those Mooks... Just... IT'S A GODDAMN KAIJU!!!. The buildup of the child's warning is a "nice" touch from Cami too.
  • The ending is pretty ominous too. There's a reason why these episode is called "Game Over". Betty pulls yet another Slasher Smile as shown above (noticing a pattern, here?), this one arguably even worse than when her face was falling apart earlier, with her "human" skin coming apart around her mouth to reveal her shark teeth.


  • The damage that Toriel inflicts on Asgore while under Betty's hallucination is nothing short of staggeringly, horrifyingly brutal. It's to such a degree that even Betty herself is visibly stunned, although still visibly pleased with the results. Betty even admits that she truly didn't expect Toriel to fire at Asgore like that, all she was hoping for was for Toriel to injure him enough for Betty to get back on her feet and regain the advantage... instead, Toriel clearly shot with the intent to kill.


  • The trailer shows Betty's inhuman eye widening to a ridiculous degree, although whether in excitement or in terror is yet to be determined. It turns out to be in terror... of the Skeleton Trio.
  • Asriel's body has turned pure pitch black and his eyes now glow red while a malevolent aura surrounds him. That's not Asriel anymore - HATE has finally formed its own evil shell around him. While all this time the heroes have been focusing on killing Betty, something far worse than her has been growing stronger and stronger through her and Asriel's actions. Adding to that, if HATE becomes powerful enough that it no longer needs to wait for Betty's victory, it will consume her too. Word of God is that Betty is actually far more terrified of losing to HATE than she is of dying to the heroes, as HATE consuming her entirely will kill her yet leave her body behind for it to inhabit as its own, and what HATE will do (as well as the power it will gain) when puppeteering her lifeless corpse is far worse than anything she'd dare to carry out.
  • Appropriately, Chara seems far more terrified of HATE than Betty, dodging the latter's attacks with a look of grim focus on his face - however he seems to falter in horror upon seeing Asriel get taken over.
  • Watching him shatter into dust the first time was heartbreaking enough. Watching Sans melt before finally dying to protect his family is something worse.
  • While heavily anticipated for four years now, as much as she brought it all down upon herself, the demise of Bête Noire is nothing short of bone-chillingly horrifying.
    • The Tranquil Fury that flows through Gaster after Sans' soul finally shatters is something to behold. He unleashes his greatest attack of them all - Polychromatism. The problem is that he inadvertently draws upon energy from Papyrus' soul to use it, and he nearly ends up killing his own son through using his life force to tear Betty apart with sheer, unstoppable, terrifying RAGE. It's also one of the most brutally awesome and enjoyable moments we've ever seen, given that thankfully Papyrus survives the whole ordeal. Betty does not.
    • Gaster's face starts off completely calm, even expressionless until he suddenly ROARS IN RAGE and summons forth all his energy to conjure up the biggest Gaster Blaster ever seen, complete with two enormous hands. He grabs Betty with one giant hand and bellows, "YOU WON'T ESCAPE THIS TIME!" He then twists his hands with such venomous force that the giant hands grasping Betty copy him, bringing the pink terror pain beyond anything imaginable. There is no Gory Discretion Shot for even a single second. Betty gets torn in half on screen. Her howl of agony just seals the deal.
    • Gaster follows this up by impaling every single inch of her body with spikes before slamming one of his giant fists on top of her at full power.
    • Gaster finishes brutalizing the creature by hitting her with every single beam he is capable of and then some. This is where one can truly see the rage on his face. After everything she did to his family, after all the suffering she caused the world, he absolutely loathes this thing, and he wants her to die many times more painfully than anyone and everyone she killed combined. It's a good thing Gaster is one of the heroes in this season...
    • The beams eradicate most of Bête Noire's remaining body, and we get a lovely view of her disintegration as she screeches her lungs out in unholy terror. She EASILY manages to rival the shriek that Marx Soul lets out upon his destruction. Gaster wanted her to feel unrivaled fear (her very own trait which she constantly uses and abuses, mind) for her final moments, and he got it. He most definitely got it.
    • Papyrus has to shout for Gaster to stop because he's nearly killing the former and doesn't realize it.
    • Bête Noire's remains are absolutely disgusting to behold. A rotting, partially-gone, eradicated, slowly disintegrating, pink pulpy mess of a carcass. She is completely unrecognizable from the adorable precious young girl who introduced herself back in "My Sunshine". It may even make you feel sorry for her if you consider the fact that she had absolutely no choice in becoming the hated "Black Beast" that she will forever be remembered as - she was made to be this... thing, and Agate Lightvale is the one to blame for that, as well as her murderous and racist attitude towards Monsterkind.
    • Her final moments inside her head are spent lamenting on her demise and the fact that she was the only thing holding back HATE from the rest of the world. Before all goes black for the Black Beast, she says this...
    Bête Noire: But now nothing stands between IT... and you. And it won't stop until there's nothing left.
  • Think the story ends there? Far. From. It. The real battle hasn't even truly begun yet.
  • HATE finally makes its grand entrance as a dark explosion bursts throughout the city, and Bête Noire's corpse is transfigured into a demonic visage, complete with an all-new Nightmare Face courtesy of HATE itself. HATE finally has a physical form of its own, and is in possession of all the abilities that its host had and then some. It then forms a black mass of Combat Tentacles out of its lower body and proceeds to begin spreading itself everywhere, all while delivering an agonizing blow with its blade to Chara's back, although it had been aiming for Papyrus and Gaster (who is in for a "long nap", according to Word of God). HATE has become the true Black Beast.
  • The final battle has begun.


  • HATE more than picks up the slack for Betty in giving us nightmares.
  • The first thing we see is Ronan being ran through by one of HATE's attacks, the attack then appears to reanimate and manuver Ronan's corpse. Revealed to still be alive receiving Mind Rape from HATE.
    • Ronan finds himself trapped in a HATE-filled room with his late wife, who tries to convince him to stay by her side... by melting the skin of her arm to the bone. Then, when Ronan still decides to leave, she gets a hell of a Nightmare Face before attacking him
  • We get a close up of HATE's eye. It has Hellish Pupils, bringing to mind a great predator cat, other charaters have it too, but seeing it on a Humanoid Abomination like HATE sticks out like a sore thumb.
  • The above mentioned bestial appearance, HATE has bestial mannerisims and combat style too, fighting with claws and teeth and roaring like an animal, the way he lunges from the wall. Brrr.
  • The Stinger: After the credits roll and everything is fine and well we cut to Gaster standing in a dark bathroom in the middle of what seems to be a panic attack. As he looks up to the mirror, it starts to crack over his face, and a dark, glitching figure graps his shoulders... a dark figure that looks like a deformed Gaster, with a Slasher Smile and crying what could either be blood or HATE.
