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Nightmare Fuel / Ghosts (UK)

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  • The little plague girl. And they don't try to pretend she isn't terrifying.
  • Pat's death. "Shut your eyes, kids! You don't want to be seeing this in your dreams!" Especially how composed and responsible he is right up until he collapses dead!
  • In "Bump in the Night", while Alison's trying desperately to get back to Button House, she falls into conversation with another woman...who, it emerges, was murdered while hitchhiking.
  • In "A Lot To Take In" both the viewers and a horrified Julian get to watch the aftermath of his death, including listening to the ambulance team try and fail to revive him and his shrouded body being carried out on a stretcher.
  • Mary's recurring dream from "Something To Share" is literal Nightmare Fuel in universe as everyone she described it to ends up having it the next night and it's exactly as terrifying as she made it sound.
  • In series 4's "Speak as ye choose", Mary finally tells the other ghosts the details about the witch trial. The audience doesn't hear the full story, but by the end of it the other ghosts are completely traumatized. The show has never been one to shy away from horror, so the sheer fact that the audience isn't even told what happened speaks of just how terrible Mary's trial and execution was. The most that's shown is immediately beforehand, when her neighbours are gleefully conspiring to pin the blame for the village's crops dying on her while she's happily out walking and completely unaware that her fate's been sealed.
    Thomas: I'll be having nightmares about that.
    Robin: You didn't see it live.
  • We get to see how Annie died: choking to death on some bread. It's mundane compared to how other ghosts died, but it's shocking to see how quickly you can die without expecting it. What's more, she died (seemingly) alone with no one around to help her. Mary and Humphrey witnessed it, but being ghosts, they could do nothing but watch. Humphrey's eyes are wide in shock and Mary is distressed by what she's witnessed.
  • In "Poached Guests", we meet a new ghost named Maddocks who died after he trod in a badger trap. We don't see what his leg looks like, but going by his description of his death, it's not pretty.
    Maddocks: Nine hours to bleed out. Two weeks to find the corpse. I had to watch myself being eaten. Slowly. By badgers.
  • "Not Again" gives us flashbacks to Robin's life in the stone age. Two of his fellow hunters are killed by a bear in a manner similar to a horror movie and Robin barely escapes himself by climbing a tree...only to get hit by lightning when he thinks he's in the clear.
    • Mike almost suffers the same fate when he is outside as a storm starts and goes under a tree to shelter from the rain. Even after Alison tells him to get away, he is still in danger and likely would have died or been seriously injured if Robin hadn't faced his fear and intervened.
  • Mike and Barclay getting trapped in the soundproof safe, and becoming understandably worried about running out of air. Thankfully, Alison finds them.
  • Mike's antics in his attempt to impress the French visitor looking to buy some of the land to build a golf course result in her having an allergic reaction, and since Mike can't understand her and her interpreter isn't present, he doesn't know how to help her. She could have died if not for Robin and Humphrey translating her words and telling Alison where her medicine is.
