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Nightmare Fuel / G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

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  • The original Destro's fate is pretty horrific. The French essentially heated two halves of a metal mask until they were red-hot, then jammed them onto McCullen's face, complete with the audible sizzling of burning flesh.
  • The Nanomites Cyanide Pill, which (very graphically) eats away the afflicted Neo-Viper's body in under half a minute, rapidly stripping away his skin to reveal the muscle and then the bone beneath, until he just dissolves into greyish dust filling the remains of his suit.
    • Similarly, Destro's transformation. Aside from some pretty horrid-looking facial burns, we're treated to the sight of metal visibly growing out through the burned flesh until it covers the entirety of his head.
  • The Eiffel Tower collapsing.
  • The flashback showing Rex attacking his own sister in her sleep and injecting her with brain-washing nannies.
