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Nightmare Fuel / Evil Genius 2

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Evil Genius 2 is a game about being, well... an evil genius. Just because this game is basically a walking talking Bond movie simulator, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its moments of horror.

  • In the first game, getting rid of the Super Agents was mostly rather farcical and non-lethal. Not so much here, where it's explicitly shown that you're killing them just for attempting to do the right thing. It also doesn't help that most Face Death with Despair:
  • The endings. In every single ending (Except Maximillian's), you get disposed of. And the ways you get killed are not entirely pleasant.
    • Red Ivan uses his rocket fist to blast your head into chunks.
    • Zalkia lets out an Evil Chuckle now that everyone is enslaved to her, before noticing you and sending one of her minions onto you.
    • Emma (which serves as the page image) calls upon a legion of her Toxic gas spewing robotic spiders, and commands one of them to LEAP ONTO YOUR FACE face hugger style, before taking you down and gassing you, as if the V.E.N.O.M it injects into you isn’t enough.
    • Even Maximilian's ending isn't exactly free of Nightmare Fuel, even if it's the only one to avert You Have Outlived Your Usefulness. It shows him giving a speech to an entire room full of people that Max has transmuted into gold statues only for a lone P.A.T.R.I.O.T Investigator to start sneaking around the room before Max spots him and transforms him into a gold statue as well. The statue of the Investigator then falls over, causing the rest of the gold statues in the room to topple over like dominos as well, with the final one landing right in front of the camera. Furthermore, the way the light reflects off of the area around the eyes of the last statue makes it look shockingly like blood. Brrrrrrr...
    • Polar's ending mentions that only her and her henchmen will survive the coming ice age to restore the earth. She steps down from her lair into the new icy planet, with ice statues around her. She accidentally breaks one and then a couple minions come in holding a person by the arms. Polar walks up to them and freezes the poor sucker solid, with the last thing they see is ice covering their face. Which the player gets to see from their point of view.
  • In short: pretty much everything about Emma.
    • For starters, she always sits in a chair on four huge spider legs, making her somehow feel even less human than the other Geniuses. And definitely not a Genius to be played by arachnophobes.
    • Her motivations. Polar not included, Emma is the only Genius who, rather than seeking to rule the world, wants to end it. How? By making all of humanity succumb to a toxic Hate Plague.
    • Her voice. Sounds sweet and almost grandmotherly, doesn't it? Not very fitting of a callous Misanthrope Supreme who'll coldly take delight in imagining the ways a nation could destroy itself. Made extra ironic by the voice belonging to one of Moneypenny's actresses.
    • Even her Doomsday Device looks more unsettling than the others when fully upgraded to level 3. A massive floating globe surrounded by eight huge syringes that rotate all around it when preparing to fire. And when it actually fires, the globe spins violently before the syringes stab straight into it. It's almost like you're watching the world itself be violently mutilated.
    • And in her ending? Just before her moment of The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You, you can see her sitting before an audience of skeletons, and obviously taking pleasure in it. Really makes you wonder what could've happened to get those poor saps that way...
