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Nightmare Fuel / End Roll

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • The longer Russell stays in his dream (and the more remorse he feels), the more the dream begins to warp. This starts with small but unsettling changes to the world like eyes appearing in trees and buildings or signs and fences becoming mysteriously rusted over a single night, but later in the game escalates to entire towns becoming horribly warped and overrun by monsters. And despite technically being figments of Russell's imagination, the citizens of each those towns are ACUTELY aware of their deaths.
  • The revelation that Gardenia didn't immediately die when Russell pushed her down the stairs. She apparently lasted long enough to feel the excruciating pain of having her neck broken and see her father sobbing over her body.
  • One of the side-quests you take part in is fetching a rare flower from the bottom of a well. After plucking the flower and climbing back up, however, you are beset upon by what appears to be angered spirits cursing you every time they speak (though it's waved as a hallucination).
    "Be cursed. Be cursed. Be cursed, eternally."
  • The distorted versions of the other characters can be a bit unsettling, especially when you aren't expecting them. Special mention to Gardenia, who becomes bloody with twisted limbs and asks Russell why he killed her. Telling Gardenia her dad isn't coming back on day 4 causes her to change to this. She demands to know what Russell did to her dad, then suddenly changes back and forgets all about what happened and why she was even outside in the first place.
    • Another mention to the distorted Tabasa you see on day 1. He asks Russell why he killed him, then tells him that the monkeys saw everything. Entering his house on day 4 briefly has him in this state and face Russell before abruptly changing to normal.
  • "The Village of Kind Strangers." It's terrible enough once you understand the true nature of the place, but when you remember that each part of Russell's dream represents a part of his subconscious, it's not difficult to figure out what this place is meant to represent.
  • On the seventh day, return to Seaside. “The festival is over. Since you didn’t need it anymore.”
    • "... the bed's stomach is torn open."
  • The solution to the second puzzle in the Day 4 dungeon. It's already unsettling that only Kantera appears when you rest at the pink balloon, but then you have to kill Kantera to proceed. You also get to keep the knife you used for the deed! What fun!
  • A good portion of the Guilt events, like the Day 4 Gardenia event. No wonder why Russell is Driven to Suicide if you have enough Guilt.
    • For example, you can cause a Kelp to fade away by telling them that they're a turnip. This majorly pisses off their partner, who proceeds to warp over to Russell and give them a scathing verbal beatdown. Russell then gets warped to a hellish version of the room. The prompt to leave this event is 'escape'.
  • When you are allowed to return to your home to end the day, the prompt mentions that Russell has chills down their spine. They're not wrong, as you get greeted with a wonderfully grotesque distortion of your room. Leaving the room wont help either, as you get confronted with a nightmare sequence focusing on the character the day focused around, with a Controllable Helplessness sequence in Day 2 even!
  • The Unregulated Dungeon, which is the dungeon you have to beat to recruit Raymond. It's Mind Screw incarnate, with the background constantly shifting, fake copies of Fairia and Raymond, broken narration both in and out of battle, objects shifting between various states, and you have to kill these weird... things, that make heartbeat noises to continue.
