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Nightmare Fuel / Delicious Friends

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  • JEREMIAH. He starts off as a creepy, secluded hunter that lives out in the marshes, and then when Vincent meets him, he's hired to track Casey down and find out information on them. During the time he spends tracking Casey, he discovers the inner circle of London's most "sinful" heathen-citizens and he experiences a crisis of faith. How does he respond to this? By murderering various Bohemians, foreigners, Rubbery Men, trapping people in burning buildings, and taking knucklebones as trophies. After his fight with Jane, he's essentially a babbling Anglican tomb colonist, and finally comes to an explosive end after trapping Casey and Roland inside a rookery.
  • The face the Porcelain Lady hides underneath her mask. Good thing it's just another mask...
  • virginia i dont like your friends
  • The ENTIRE sequence where Virgil tortures Alexis, especially because he is completely emotionless as he does it.
