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Nightmare Fuel / Death Masks

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  • Shiro's death by torture.
    • When they find him in the chapel. The walls are literally painted with his blood for the ritual of plague curse.
  • Harry's been tricked by Nicodemus into touching one of the cursed coins, meaning he's now got a copy of a Fallen angel in his head. He's not about to let it start him tempting him, but just as he's about to bury the coin in the floor of his lab, a voice whispers in his head. It only says Harry, but it is nonetheless extremely creepy.
  • Barabba's curse. You can sentence one person to death, and that will be it although the Knights can take the victim's place, if they chose to. And it's in the hand of one of the vilest persons in the Dresdenverse.
    • Its a continuous entropy curse which makes any area around the cursed individual unprotected by magic into a minefield. Trees fall into your path, power lines break off to hit you... and it could be perfectly explained away a a tragic accident. Paranoia Fuel to the extreme
  • The plague curse. It infects the victim with almost any known illness, making "the Black Death look like chicken pox". And it spreads through air. And it's released into a very busy international airport.
  • Father Forthill running down why Nidodemus is The Dreaded.
    Father Forthill: Our information about him is limited. He has made it a point to find and destroy our archives every other century or so, so we cannot be sure who he is or how long he has been alive. He may even have walked the earth when the Savior was crucified [...] He's killed them. He's killed all of them. More than a hundred Knights. More than a thousand priests, nuns, monks. Three thousand men, women, children. And those are only the ones listed in the pages recovered from the destroyed archives. Only two Knights have ever faced him and survived.
  • Cassius' snake curse. The person hit with it surrounded by a cloud which releases self-duplicating miniscule snakes which bites pieces out of the victim. And no, they don't have venom. The victim is Eaten Alive, one piece at a time.
  • Mordite. A substance from outside the known universe and reality. Any living being touches it, dies. It comes from the same place Outsiders come from.
