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Nightmare Fuel / Dead West

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  • Sometimes, if you piss off the Porcelain Doctor, he will not be satisfied by merely stabbing you. Ruining his books may result your face being grinded into embers. Mercifully, we don't get a long description, but our narrator finds it disturbing.
  • The part with Mordechai showing the world he sees to Gervas also qualifies.
  • Niall berserkering. Gervas gets a quick glance at the end results, and promptly throws up.
  • To a lesser extent, Louis' colourful depiction of a raid on a Native village.
  • Toeing into Fridge Horror, but Gervas only realizes exactly how dangerous the Porcelain Doctor's "episodes" are, when the doctor burns him very deep (as in "I have your hands' outline fused into me " deep) after a bad move, and at dawn, he kills the kitten our narrator got him, when the kitty accidentally claws him. Then he calmly resumes petting the dead kitten. And later he doesn't remember anything.
  • Another part when even Gervas is horrified: the Porcelain Doctor killed/chased away a tentacled river monster by boiling it alive. Apparently, under the fight it managed to catch the doctor's arm, but that is not a scary bit; Gervas understandably freaks out when he returns to find his friend sitting on the deck and calmly cutting and burning his own arm, to get rid of the nonexistent tentacle. Our narrator manages to stop him, but he describes the results as "something pulled out from beneath a steam-powered trasher after the last minute".
  • The manner Cedric kills his best friend because he molested his baby brother and told him that the Beast himself ordered him to do that. He beat him blue and black, let him an hour to flee, then sicced his best blood hounds after him. Then after they caught up, he let his dogs play with the bastard for a while. Then he got a knife, and started to work on the guy. On the next day the army found the fool, dismembered and emasculated, and so horribly tortured that they thought that the enemy got him. This is also what Cedric tells his general.
  • Generally, when Cedric shines as a Knight Templar Big Brother. One memorable example is dropping a Jerk Jock into a steam-powered meat grinder, feet first (granted, he brought that to himself via Attempted Rape), another is gutting and skinning a Pedophile Priest, then burning the temple, then the next few ones when the priests said something suspicious (he might have been a tiny bit frustrated). Or dangling another Jerk Jock from a tower to find out why he throw a javelin at Niall. Or... you get the picture.
