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Nightmare Fuel / Dawn of a New Age: Oldport Blues

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  • What happens to the students when they're impaled by the Fog of Doom. They shriek out in terror, their eyes mist over with fog, they claw at themselves and have horrific visions so painful that some of them are convinced that they're dying.
  • Jessica's power allows her to command people with her voice, inspired by The Purple Man. It's not long before she performs the same sort of horrific act that he's known for, forcing a group of students to nearly rape each other. Even if it was in the heat of the moment, the other characters are understandably horrified at her capabilities.
  • Benjy's power transforms him into a giant, horrific bug monster that can Hulk Out and lose control of its inhibitions. When the students come across Benjy after the empowerment, it's in an dark Abandoned Warehouse, where dozens of men (their faces frozen in terror) have been killed and cocooned in a style reminiscent of a horror movie. When Benjy himself appears, he's three times taller than the kids and oozing liquid from his razor sharp teeth as he lurks towards them.
  • One of the flashforwards shows the kids being kidnapped and tortured by the Dark Dragon. Zia begs her guard to help her escape, trying to appeal to his humanity, only for him to calmly describe to her the many ways he's dreamed of killing her. The worst of their torture is shown through Hyeon, who tries to escape and gets his legs broken in response. They then put a shock collar on him, so they can electrocute him if he tries to use his powers again.
  • When Simon uses his plasma power to explode the nurse's office, with the nurse still inside. She awakens to the agony of burns all over her body and can't stop screaming from the pain. Edward comes across the scene and almost immediately throws up from the smell of burnt flesh.
  • The drifter's transformation into a monster. His skin boils and melts off his body, revealing scales underneath. His legs twist into unnatural angles as they become more reptilian. His head contorts and then suddenly explodes, revealing bulging eyes and razor-sharp teeth underneath. What's left is a bloodthirsty beast that promptly tries to eat two elementary school kids alive.
