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Nightmare Fuel / Cube Escape

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This series has no shortage of horrific themes such as Surreal Horror, jump scares, and murder.

  • To start off, Cube Escape: Seasons has some scary moments like the jump scare when you crack open the egg with a spoon.
    • Then during Fall 1971, you're flipping through TV channels and retrieve the black cube. Once you do, suddenly blood starts dripping from above. You look up and there's a freaking bloody eyeball staring at you.
    • If you click the black mushroom before it's fully grown, you're in for another jump scare. The whole screen will suddenly turn into a horrific bloody forest accompanied with a scare chord. This jump scare also happens when you're blending the mushroom.
  • In Mr. Rabbit's room, if you look at his poster on the wall about his shows and then look at the window once you look away from it, his ghostly feature will slowly zoom past the window whilst looking at you, which can easily catch you off guard if you're not paying attention.
  • Chapter 4 of Case 23 is a nerve-wracking timed section where you have to repair an elevator before a corrupted soul kills you. As time goes on, the outside becomes pitch-black, the walls start almost pulsating, and you see a deer with its head chopped off.
  • Near the end of Cube Escape: Mill, once you insert the black cube into the water tank in the basement, the entire scenery outside suddenly turns pitch black. Upon further investigation, you see that the old lady has stabbed herself in the eyes with her own sewing needles.
    • Another scary thing about this is that we have absolutely no idea WHY she committed such a brutal suicide like that in the first place. She had absolutely no issues knitting all those items for you to further progress into the game (in exchange for warm milk and duck meat), and out of nowhere she kills herself.
  • Cube Escape: Birthday has its signature scene of Mr. Rabbit breaking down the door and gunning down Dale's family, as well as a jump scare of the same rabbit at the window. The scenes with Mr. Rabbit in Paradox (a sort-of replay of Dale's memory of this event) are arguably worse, as he leads the player in a twisted game of hide and seek first.
