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Nightmare Fuel / Conan the Barbarian (1982)

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  • The attack on Conan's village, with him seeing his people being slaughtered, the village being burned to the ground, the children being reduced to slavery, Conan's father being torn apart by attack dogs and his mother being beheaded by Thulsa Doom right besides him.
  • Thulsa Doom sending one of his worshippers plummeting to her doom as a demonstration of his power and influence. She looks so happy when she does it. "Come to me, my child..."
    "What is steel compared to the hand that wields it?"
  • When Conan finds the Atlantean Sword in the cave he's hiding in, it seems like the skeleton of the dead warrior/chief the sword belonged to will animate itself and attack him... but it actually just crumbles.
    • In the story that inspired that scene (written by L. Sprague De Camp), the skeleton actually did attack him.
  • Conan has a good time with the witch who offered him shelter and predicted his future... until she reveals herself as a vampire/succubus of sorts and attacks him while they have sex.
  • The giant snake Thulsa Doom's cult worships.
  • Conan being crucified on the Tree of Woe and left to die and be eaten by vultures there, with his arms and legs nailed to it.
  • The spirits trying to take Conan away at night, with Valeria fighting the hardest she can to keep him among the living. Even the Wizard cowers in fear.
  • Basil Poledouris' score lends scenes that could be incredibly narmy the feel of a nightmare. Especially the revelation that Thulsa Doom's cult are cannibals, and Doom's transformation into a snake.
  • Thulsa Doom turning venomous snakes into arrows and shooting them into people.
  • The beheading of Doom is well-earned, but quite unsettling to watch. It's not a Clean Cut, and takes Conan a couple of good whacks.
