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Nightmare Fuel / Clusterfuck

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  • Dean's sweaty, lactating Bitch Tits.
  • Given the fact that no one can die while in this mountain, the characters can take a lot of punishment.
  • The Zombie Mutants themselves are all described as being very pale and rubbery like waterlogged (and well-preserved) corpses. They are also described as mutants for their lack of any actual facial features, most commonly described as lacking any forseeable eyes.
    • The Creepy Girls
    • The Miner has the look of an old prospector, his rotting body fused to the seat of this mining drill.
    • The Butcher who has multiple heads in its torso that control the body.
  • Lauren's habit of using her own sweat, tears, urine, feces and vaginal fluids in her cooking and serving them to her friends. As well as when she force-feeds him her own vomit.
