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Nightmare Fuel / Clamavi de Profundis

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  • "Oshrjad Bonebreaker":
    • The heroic orc Oshrjad sarcastically says they should kill every orc in the world. An elf (who doesn't know Oshrjad is an orc) agrees with this.
    • The ending is even worse. After Oshrjad explains how he helped a dwarf the other orcs had imprisoned escape and how now the Orc Horde was coming to kill him — at which point the music becomes absolutely brutal with drumbeats mixed in with what sound like stamping boots and than the song just ends.
      Man: If Oshrjad be changed, where is he now?
      Dwarf: So we may stand with him no matter how.
      Oshrjad: He sits here before you. And lo: they have found him!
  • The demon from "Boic Bravesoul". He's a brutal, greedy giant who imprisons every dwarf except Boic and would have killed them if Boic hadn't found out how to stop him. And while Boic wins the battle, he can't actually kill him and can only imprison him back in the cave he came from. Not to mention his voice is horrifying. That all, combined with the fact he's called the "eldest son of fire" makes him come off as a minor Eldritch Abomination.
