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Nightmare Fuel / Charlotte

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Episode 2

  • This episode reveals what happened to Nao's brother. After it was discovered that her brother had superpowers, namely being able to manipulate air vibrations, he was taken in by scientists and experimented on, and after that, he was left to rot as an Empty Shell who can't speak anymore, doesn't recognize his sister, and just goes completely berserk and starts tearing up hospital pillows and futons.
    • Nao herself gives a reason for her Friendless Background: her supposed friends were all children of the same scientists who experimented on her brother, and would always try to keep her away from him. Poor Nao, not only has her brother lost his mind, she was purposefully kept away from him and as a result, she developed trust issues.

Episode 6

  • Ayumi was about to be attacked by her classmate who's just completely lost it. Things were about to get gruesome with a box cutter, at least until Ayumi activated her superpower.
  • Ayumi's death. She gets crushed underneath the rubble of her school by unintentionally activating the ability she never knew she had. And not only her, consider the fate of any other student and/or faculty who may have been inside that part of the school building during the collapse.

Episode 7

  • Yu's Heroic BSoD can be both tear jerking and horrifying. He spends weeks alone, isolated from everyone, eating nothing but cheap food like ramen, and lashes out at anyone trying to help him. Later, he plays an arcade game that involves killing zombies, and is a little too gleefully into it. When some punks take up the machine for an entire day, he deliberately picks a fight with them, abuses his superpower to fight them all, and proceeds to spend the rest of his time beating up more thugs just because he can.
    • By the end of the episode, he was very close to ruining his life even further by taking drugs, and was only stopped after Nao intervenes, having watched him all this time.

Episode 9

  • A bit of Fridge Horror: How the scientists managed to trigger Ayumi's collapse ability to the point of almost completely destroying the entire research facility, considering (by episode 6) that she has to be extremely terrified to involuntarily activate the ability, and also the fact that her fate remains unknown after triggering said ability.
    • Considering one of the scientists claimed that Ayumi was going to be dissected once they were done with her, it's horrifying enough without thinking of anything else that might have happened to her.

Episode 11

  • The fate of Kumagami. In a brutal interrogation by hunters of ability wielders, he gets his teeth punched out by a man with a body-builder's physique, all of his nails forcefully removed, and was injected with a truth serum with clearly painful side effects. Not long afterwards, he manages to stay conscious after getting buried under a collapsed building in his own pool of blood with metal pipes sticking out of his back, and lives just long enough to say his parting words to Shun.
    • There's a grisly shot shortly after Kumagami wakes up from his interrogation that reveals what happened to him. One of the first things he (and therefore the audience) sees are his bloody fingers and toes.
  • The fate of Nao as well. after being captured by the hunters, she's hanging unconscious besides Kumagami, beaten down with many bruises on her body, and stripped down her underwear.
  • Yu gets his left eye slashed by one of the terrorists, and he gets stabbed in the shoulder as well. The stress and turmoil gets him to activate the collapse ability, nearly bringing the warehouse down, which would have killed Nao and Kumagami, and only Nao was able to make it through that thanks to Kumagami's Heroic Sacrifice.
  • Some Fridge Horror. The head researcher commenting on the fact that this isn't the first time ability-users have appeared. He relates a story of the witch hunts and burnings going on in the early Modern Period in Europe around the 1600's. Yuu also finds out that there are ability users being persecuted worldwide. And even with Shunsuke's ability, he was only able to protect the ones in Japan, so one has to wonder what's happening to the others throughout the rest of the world.
    • Additional Fridge Horror. The comet being responsible for the witch hunts is already scary enough, but consider that it's supposed to come by every 75 years or so. We only hear about or directly see two examples, but there has to be a couple other times between then that it happened. What happened to all the other ability wielders in those times?

Episode 13

  • Yu's Sanity Slippage this entire episode gets unnerving to watch. While he's now able to steal anyone's superpowers for his own, it takes a severe mental toll on him, to the point where he starts losing his sense of self, forgetting why he's even doing this, and even contemplates abusing his powers.
  • Yuu, despite having the ability to continue operating without sleep, realizes he's running himself ragged and takes some sleeping pills. When he wakes up, he sees a news report covering what he did while he was asleep, and sees a lot of potential ability users crossed off the list. It's scary enough to think about your body moving on its own while you're asleep, much less what you would do if you had hundreds or thousands of special powers.
  • For a moment, Yu considers godhood. After having taken hundreds, if not thousands of superpowers for himself, there would be nobody to stop him. Hell, even in the episode itself, he takes on many armed men without breaking a sweat. It isn't until he remembers the study notes that Nao gave him that he snaps out of that idea.
