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Nightmare Fuel / Brother Bear

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Remember, kids: don't mess with bears.
The movie can be as horrifying as it can be touching, especially with all the BEARS!
  • The whole premise of the movie is pretty terrifying if you're a hunter. An animal kills your loved one and you kill it in revenge, but you're turned into that animal as punishment, and then another loved one wants to kill you because they think the same animal killed you. That's basically the dilemma facing Kenai and Denahi.
  • The bear that attacks Kenai in the beginning, later revealed to be Koda's mother, is pretty horrifying, especially in how it mauls Sitka to the point he had to resort to collapsing a cliff side to stop it. Then it survives and Kenai engages in a battle to the death with it on rocky terrain.
    • From her perspective, it's practically a horror movie. A monster is hunting her down for some unfathomable reason and, no matter how hard she tries to shake it, no matter where she tries to hide, it will not give up its pursuit. There's a reason why the bears regard humans as The Dreaded. Then there's this bit during the flashback: instead of a growl, we hear a woman's voice call out...
      Koda's mother: Koda?
  • Sitka's death is pretty unsettling to watch for anyone who treasures a brother, especially since they never found the body, meaning he was crushed to nothing under the rocks.
  • Kenai's transformation into a bear is as beautiful as it is a case of Surreal Horror. A torrent of magical water appears out of nowhere, and when manipulated with Kenai's spear, transforms with a very mild Jump Scare into an array of lights with shadows of different animals moving and yelling about before Kenai meets an eagle who is revealed to be Sitka. Sitka doesn't say a single word during all this, but conveys in almost sorrowful facial language that he has something in store for Kenai. Kenai gets hoisted into the air by now-eagle-form Sitka and transformed into a bear. He's so dazed from the experience he falls off a cliff into raging waters and bashes his head on the rocks and could have easily died many times over. Denahi arrives late enough that he believes the bear he sees killed Kenai, he silently vows revenge, and begins pursuit. Then Kenai wakes up and finds out from Tanana the village shaman that Sitka's spirit turned him into a bear, the very brother who he tried to avenge.
  • The reveal that Kenai had actually killed Koda's mother is pretty gut-wrenching especially since he's been bonding with the poor cub because he was orphaned. Because of Kenai's Roaring Rampage of Revenge in the first place. The poor cub had to come to terms with the knowledge his new surrogate brother figure murdered his mother.
  • Given how carefree Denahi is at the beginning of the story, seeing him become almost feral in his relentless pursuit of the bear he thinks is responsible of his brothers' death can be a bit disturbing.
  • The screaming, frantic salmon in the "no fish were harmed" credits scene. It's brutal (though also kind of funny).
  • The scene where Kenai and Koda find abandoned village with wall adorned by cave paintings. It's accompanied with bone-chilling flutes, choir and animal sounds which give the whole scene tremendous feeling. But the most unsetting moment is when Kenai sees painting depicting a bear and hunter face-off. The bear is depicted as having very crude-looking mouth with jagged teeth, while the hunter (similarly to Ice Age, which was released year before) is portrayed as a black silhouette without face, just like in real life cave art. In this moment (combined with Koda calling humans "monsters") Kenai realizes, that for animals, humans are the monsters. Extra disturbing since this is likely how Koda saw humans, before he meet Kenai.
