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Nightmare Fuel / Blood-C

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As Blood+ itself has horrifying moments, it is no surprise that its spinoff has its share as well.

  • The fight with the mantis Jizō in Episode 1. It pales in comparison to the horrors that come in later episodes, but even on its own, it's eerily intense.
  • Episode 3 was creepy enough with the baker wandering around at night with that soulless expression on his face, but the scene that followed was even worse: just, the way he died, and the piece that was left of him getting thrown out of the train, that was horrifying. And then you think about how he snapped out of his trance before he died, and how it was probably just the Monster of the Week letting him have control just so he could be conscious and struggle while he died. But the creepiest scene yet was when Saya entered the train and sees the baker, who twists his head backward and has the same soulless eyes again — and then his face melts off.
  • Episode 4, the elder bairns eating each other and two of the fishermen, and when Saya saves the last one from being eaten... he's already dead.
  • Episode 5. A human-shaped Elder Bairn with its face covered—not too bad... A GIANT EYEBALL!? On a human body? What the hell? Yeah, the monsters in this series are Nightmare Fuel incarnate.
  • When the Centipede-Elder Bairn appeared behind Nene.
  • It's pretty telling as a scary series when there are so many Nightmare Fuels in five episodes.
  • Episode 6 takes the cake.
    • Definitely a Blood-based cake with a serving of gore.
  • Episode 8 and 9. The invasion of the monster in the school makes episode 6 look tame.
  • Episode 10 gave a mindscrew at the very end when Kanako suddenly tells Saya to cut out "the act" and the Motoe twins show up unexpectedly alive.
  • Episode 11 is Nice Character, Mean Actor to the alarming extreme. The Motoes are as cheerful as ever despite their implied criminal past, Kanako makes it no secret that Saya is only unique animal to her AT BEST in order to make her famous, and up-till-now Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold Tokizane is nothing but a greedy dirtbag who never cared about Saya and considers her less than human. It makes you wonder where Fumito found such people who were willing to go along with this grotesque experiment just for their own selfish goals.
  • Episode 12. Sweet merciful CLAMP, episode 12. Even a hardcore gore fan is gonna have trouble with this one. It starts off with the Elder Bairn stomping on Tokizane's head, crushing it in a bloody splash, then grabbing Nono by the legs and smashing her repeatedly against the ground, splattering her blood and body parts all over the pavement. After Nono dies, the Elder Bairn goes after Nene, grabbing her by the legs and spreading her legs apart wide, forcing her to do the splits while holding her upside down. He then proceeds to pull Nene’s legs apart, causing her to shriek in pain, before the Elder Bairn rips her apart at the crotch, killing her instantly and abruptly stopping her screams. This is followed by Kanako's bloody, painful death at the teeth of Tadayoshi. Then comes the attack on the town by an army of giant humanoid rabbit-like Elder Bairns. Helpless citizens being slaughtered, with one unlucky group stuffed into a bag and mulched. Enjoy your dreams after this episode.
