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Nightmare Fuel / Blade Runner

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The Nightmare Fuel page for Blade Runner 2049 can be found here

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked. You have been warned.
I scream for Eye Scream!
  • In some cuts of the film it takes three shots for Pris to finally stop screaming.
    • Her screaming coupled with a seizure. Dear god.
  • Fingers in the eyes. Urgh.
  • The climax, where Deckard is being stalked through a deteriorating building by a sadistic, ludicrously strong replicant who is losing its grip on sanity. The movie did a brilliant job at showcasing the horror of being hunted down and toyed with by a psychopath you can’t possibly defend against.
    • From the climax, Deckard getting his fingers broken by Batty. There's a reason that the original home video release had a warning on the box about the violence level in this movie...
    • Batty sticking a nail through his hand to prolong his life... ouch...
    • The damn Psychopath was howling...
      "I can see you!"
  • The romantic scene between Deckard and Rachael can look more like a rape scene to modern audiences. In context there's the implication that she does want him but she's too afraid of getting caught up in her emotions, but the way Deckard pushes her to act on them can come across as creepily forceful, especially considering her vulnerability having just killed a replicant. When she gets up to leave after he kisses her neck he slams the door shut, throwing her against a window and kissing her again. Then he makes her tell him to kiss her—making it seem like everything she says afterwards about putting his hands on her and such is just because he forced her to. The fact that she looks worried and scared for most of the scene until they start passionately kissing doesn't help matters.
  • The scene where Deckard shoots Zhora. At one point it looks like her heart pops out of her chest, and she still keeps running...
