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Nightmare Fuel / Batwoman

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Spoilers Off applies to all Nightmare Fuel pages, so all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned!
  • Issue #0 gives a glimpse of the training Kate went through to become Batwoman. Some of the physical aspects, like being tortured for a week straight or being chased through the Paris catacombs by men carrying nightsticks, are bad enough. But the training had a psychological component, too. This involved Kate living for two weeks in a room with all the walls covered in grisly crime scene photos (some of which are shown), and watching possibly hundreds of videos of people being raped, tortured, and killed.
  • Bette Kane as Flamebird getting gutted and left for dead, after her cousin comes in covered in gasoline and water and confesses how she can't keep training her, as well as the subsequent coma.
  • The kidnapping scene is terrifying and brutal, especially for how quickly it happens. To make matters worse, it's implied that Kate's mother was tortured while in captivity... while Kate was sitting mere feet away listening, with a bag over her head.
    • There's also some Fridge Horror about the kidnapping. The Kanes were abducted in an organized manner, yes... but it also happened when the twins were supposed to be at school, meaning that it was outside their usual schedule, and also while Jacob was gone. Meaning that the Kane family was actively being watched that day, and likely had been for a while.
  • Bloody Mary. She's the urban legend/ghost story come to life, emerging from a mirror with a bloodstained dress, long red claws, pinprick pupils, and blood oozing from her eyes, nose, and mouth. In a story arc filled with urban legends, she's the one who looks the most like she came out of someone's nightmares.
