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Nightmare Fuel / Asura Cryin'

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  • Demons and Asura Machina.
    • Demons: their very existence is antithetical to the world, and the world fights back by slowly eroding their bodies when they use their powers. Additionally, male demons begin to lose memories of his partner, and female demons lose their ability to love when they find a contractor.
    • Asura Machina: literally powered by the souls of little girls. And they're a finite, expendable resource.
  • The First Stage World. Due to the alternate dimension experiment accident that started the whole mess, hizaika (basically the equivalent of the Warp) is eating away at the world itself, and only supernatural entities can actually see it happening. To everyone else, people and things they've known their entire lives are slowly vanishing, and even the memory of those things are vanishing along with them. Your best friend that you've known your entire life? Now he's gone, and you don't even remember him being there to begin with.
