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Nightmare Fuel / Alien Abduction Role Play

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"I'm so hungry.....I'm so hungry I feel like I'm dying!"

  • The very out of character behavior from Acktreal is played for horror. From her own words and the words of her crewmembers, she would have never behaved in such a predatory way towards any sapient species, even towards species that her ancestors used to kill and eat. So there must seriously be something wrong with humanity if Enxions are inexplicably developing an uncontrollable urge to eat them.
  • In the prequel, it's clear that none of the aliens see humanity as anything else but potential livestock animals at this point, even laughing over Tori's abduction. Makes you wonder how they felt about themselves afterward when Acktreal came to the opposite conclusion about humanity in the coming days. And especially when a chemical imbalance causes Acktreal to involuntarily put the same crew through the same terror they would have inflicted upon humanity had they not corrected themselves.
  • The first couple of episodes involve Acktreal talking about wanting to eat Subject 50499-A, licking their face, and even inserting their entire head into their mouth. Terrifying enough for most people, but according to Tori (and later Acktreal, when she musters up the courage to admit it), she had it MUCH worse than they did, with her face getting rather intimate with Ackt's digestive tract. It's no wonder that she refuses to forgive Ackt when she apologizes for this behavior.
    • The second video is perhaps the most terrifying, as the previous video implied that she would return to the cell to continue her work. In the first couple of seconds of THIS video that makes it clear that she went to Subject 50499-A's cell in the middle of the night solely to toy with them when the other crew members were asleep. It's somewhat lightened up by the fact that she behaves like a Tsundere the whole time, and expresses frustration when Subject 50499-A stops being scared of her.
  • The scene where Acktreal puts Subject 50499-A under in order to take tissue samples from their brain. Judging by the psychedelic audio and Ackt's words after the fact, it wasn't a very pleasant experience. Thankfully Subject 50499-A is presumably not left lobotomized or disabled from the test.
  • Throughout the series, Ackt is baffled by Subject 50499-A's vore fetish, and this is played for laughs. Up until part 8, after a disastrous bit of mouth-play with Subject 50499-A pushes her over the edge. She reveals that she didn't follow her recommended diet plan as she was supposed to, and her food supplies are running out due to burning through them too quickly due to an increased appetite. As she sinks into her episode, she's just barely lucid enough to instruct Subject 50499-A to slowly back away from her (to avoid setting off her predatory instincts) and use the number pad to close the door on her before she can jump at them.
  • Her second feral episode is even more intense and terrifying than the first. She is hardly lucid, and is screaming like a frightened, starving animal. When Hiboritch's and Subject 50499-A's attempt to evade her fails, Subject 50499-A runs in the opposite direction in the hopes of getting her off of Hiboritch, and she tackles them to the ground. She breathes heavily and starts speaking normally, as if she's calming down, but her words make it clear that she's in severe emotional and physical pain, and believes that eating them will make her feel better. She almost eats them, and is saved at the last minute by Kyra's intervention.
    Acktreal Domma: "Do you still love me? I don't! I want to eat you, I want it so bad!"
  • Kyra being Eaten Alive by Acktreal as her crewmates can only watch helplessly from the control room via security camera, her screams of terror and pain, alongside the sound of her ripping flesh is heard.
  • In part 13, a pair of collectors come by to "collect" whatever specimens are on board the R9 shuttle. They see Subject 50499-A, and upon realizing that they'll make a large amount of money on the black market, demand that they give Subject 50499-A to them, not caring about the new laws concerning humans and how they now have equal rights. This drives Hiboritch to kill them both by proxy through Acktreal by intentionally slicing open Subject 50499-A's arm, causing Ackt to go feral and messily devour the two pirates. Their deaths are so far the least dignified in the series, as at least Kyra and Tori had their corpses cleaned up. Not even Ackt is able to finish them off this time, and she finds herself waking up next to their half-eaten corpses when she becomes sane again. She even begins to panic and frantically call for her crewmates, only calming down when Subject 50499-A knocks on the door of the docked ship and reassures her that they're still alive.
  • In part 14, a tow ship shows up. None of the crewmembers recognize the ship, and Ackt worries that they might be pirates. Seconds later, whoever is in there proceeds to attack every member on board, and we even hear Ackt and Zedjichs screaming in terror as it happens. It is followed by lengthy psychadelic audio, implying that everyone is passed out, until Subject 50499-A wakes up in the hospital with the other crewmembers, much longer than expected. It's later revealed that the reason for the violent encounter was that the workers confused them for pirates since said ship was still attached to theirs.
  • In a later spinoff video, Eravin reveals that even after Ackt had retired from being an R9 researcher, and presumably after Subject 50499-A had surgery to have his pheromone gland removed, she still has relapses, forcing the human to temporarily stay at Eravin's place for his own safety.
