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Nightmare Fuel / Akane no Guilty Crown

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With the reboot going on a M-Mature edge instead of the T-Teen of the canon anime, there's bounds to show nightmares and dark moments in the aftermath of an apocalyptic pandemic.

First Half (Prologue - Chapter X)

  • The Fafnir rex is a dinosaur hybrid created by GHQ, unleashed out of its truck delivers monstrous roars that surprises Funeral Parlor to fight it. Its presence marks a sign of what other experimental monsters created by GHQ that the resistance will have to face.
    • When Shu defends himself with Daryl's Void from the beast's jaws, his terrified expression gives a first-person view of the monster attempting to break through his defenses. The high school boy would have been eaten alive if it weren't for the defense Void and Ayase's saving.
    • And of course the death sequence of the Fafnir rex shows Shu piercing through its brain with Inori's sword, then brutally cleaves the carnivore's head horizontally that blood splatters out of the death would.
  • Yaoshikepu is a giant spider that is the one who killed Ayase's mother in the past. The build up in the forest leading to her reveal is suspenseful and horrifying, as in being a reminder of Shelob's lair, except that it's outside and in nightfall. Ayase and Tsugumi sees the corpses of animals and humans in feeling dread.
  • Makoto's PTSD and rage is just terrifying. She has lost everything such as her family in being the last Niijima left, and being a raging vigilante, she pulls no punches in delivering justice in the most brutal manners.
    • Her finishing blow towards Miss-danuki has her punching through her face in making such a bloody hole that the furry's brain splatters.
"Just for exposing my face, here's my reward to you. TAKE MY FUCKING FIST OF JUSTICE!"
  • Just like in the canon Episode 12, Chapter X adapting this shows Mana's creepiness of being the first person to be infected by the Apocalypse Virus. Her crystallized garden with the red eyes also creates carnivorous venus flytraps while fighting Inori.
