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Nightmare Fuel / Air Fortress

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  • In-game, it is not at all obvious that the Air Fortresses are self-destructing. Destroying a core causes the fortress to go dark, and the Background Music to change to a very quiet, creepy song. This alone is very unnerving, but when nothing visibly happens at first, it can easily lead you into thinking the fortress will not explode. It's scary enough when you first see the place start to shake (and it will, from Stage 2 on), but in later levels when you start having trouble finding the exit, frustration immediately turns to panic when suddenly the rumbling gets more intense and the lights start flashing on and off. You'll never forget the first time you fail to get out in time either, as there's a very loud explosion and the whole screen goes completely white in what almost seems like an attempt to destroy your TV. A younger player would be forgiven for not picking the game up again for quite a while.
