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Nightmare Fuel / Ai no Kusabi

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Unmarked spoilers are ahead, per Spoilers Off rule.

  • Kirie’s ultimate fate. Yes he was a bastard who sold out his comrades, but being mind-raped and turned into a Pet against his will certainly qualify as a Fate Worse than Death.
  • The fate of Pets in general. They are created and trained specifically to service the Elites, but for all their training they are usually discarded by their masters after a couple of years. Then with their minimal skills the only jobs they can get are at brothels in Midas, and with each passing year they are discarded from one high class brothel to the next, until they are ultimately unemployable except in the lowest brothels or left to do hard manual labor, where everyone looks down upon them for their previous status. It says a lot that Riki has a Love Epiphany when he sees former Pets be mistreated in the warehouse, and Katze compares his situation to theirs.
  • Both Iason and Riki are mutilated in the end of the story.
