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Nightmare Fuel / A Very Long Engagement

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And that's a normal day on the front...

  • All of the scenes set on the front during World War I, in which the conflict's sheer horror is in full display. That war left France (and Germany) with a big demographic gap and hundreds of thousands of crippled and emotionally scarred men.
    • The French trench gets shelled and the soldiers almost get buried alive.
    • French soldiers are mowed down en masse in the assault under a rain of bullets trying to reach the German trenches.
    • Manech witnesses a fellow soldier who got stuck in barbed wire being blown to bits by a shell and finds himself covered with said soldier's guts. He freaks out as a result.
  • Tina Lombardi's boyfriend/pimp tortures a man by planting his knife in his butt, with no Gory Discretion Shot.
  • Benoît Notre-Dame enters Mathilde's room to murder her in her sleep but backs away when her cat awakens.
  • Someone had the brilliant idea to turn a hangar containing a hydrogen blimp into a field hospital. Sure enough, the building gets caught under German artillery fire, and a shell directly gets stuck in the roof without exploding. Then the blimp's cable gets loose and the blimp gets closer and closer to the bomb's nose and... *CLICK* The resulting fiery blast kills everyone bar Benoît Notre-Dame (who managed to barricade himself), including hapless wounded soldiers, one of which lost eyesight and couldn't grasp what was going on and desperately called for help.
  • Tina Lombardi murdering commandant Lavrouye for ignoring the pardon order that would have saved her boyfriend. She feigns starting to have sex with him, straps him on the bed and gags him, then shoots in the mirror above the bed with a gun. Cue the nice shots of shards falling directly onto Lavrouye's fat belly, and him either having a stroke on the moment or being left to bleed to death. He deserved it, but still.
