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Nightmare Fuel / A Triangle in the Stars

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You thought you were safe from nightmares? well, you thought wrong. This fanfic, as it had been born from two series prolific with such events, can also bring on the scare or at the very least mild disturbance.

  • Not even well into the story and here it comes in Chapter Two, where Bill poisons Steven's sleep and gleefully gives him a despairing and horrid nightmare. Everyone is dead, shattered into dust, and Steven is left all alone in a ravaged Beach City. Can double as a Tearjerker.
    • The boy also expresses concern in the next chapter, worried that it was real.
  • "If you throw me off you're as good as maimed..." by Bill to Lars in Chapter Four. It was a threat the demon was not afraid to carry out, and the cloud above the teen's head even darkened further. Jeez, Bill.
  • In Chapter Eight, Bill is so angry that Sadie and Steven were taking selfies with his hat after ditching him at the school he wants to kill them, and his rage, which causes the ceiling to become a lightning storm, absolutely terrifies them. He even slips into his Voice of the Legion twice.
  • The Cluster Demons, who make their official debut in Chapter Eighteen. They look disturbing at best, horrifying at worst, and their unwilling origin is even more horrifying. They were meant to reference the Cluster and the Gem Mutants from the primary home series, as well as cement just how far Gabriel had gone. And the authors did a good job of that!
