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Narm / Final Fantasy X

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All spoilers will be unmarked ahead. You Have Been Warned!

  • During the ending, there's the moment when Yuna tries to run into Tidus' arms... and falls to the floor because she goes through him. Considering that Tidus is fading from existence at this point, it's supposed to be dramatic.
  • The scene in Home where Tidus learns what is going to happen to Yuna. Though it is clearly supposed to be a touching and dramatic moment, some people laugh at Tidus' hysterics, particularly the part where he just... squeaks out a cry as the camera shifts upward. Thank you so much, James Arnold Taylor.
    • Adding onto it, the background music has a repeating voice clip that sounds like someone saying "I'm annoying, huh?!"
  • The Bevelle scene where Yuna's threatening to jump off the extremely high building. While she's saying she can fly and telling Tidus to believe, he goes from shaking his head quickly to nodding super fast, potentially ruining a dramatic scene.
    • The mocap is frequently over the top in general. There's Yuna's awkwardly enthusiastic nodding when she declares that she has become a summoner and her exaggerated head-shaking when Tidus tells her that he has to go at the end of the game, the latter of which is also supposed to be a very serious scene.
  • The way Tidus and Yuna have a tendency to say "okay" really fast, because they're trying to fit lip movements.
  • Some of Tidus' comments after using certain spells. Him saying "Hey, hey, hey", sounds like Fat Albert.
  • Rikku's Verbal Tic of "You know?" (which was probably added to fit the mouth movements) kind of ruins the Wham Line in Home. "Yunie will die, you know!?"
  • The notorious fake laughter scene. It's supposed to sound forced, as Tidus just learned that Sin is Jecht, and that he'll have to confront his abusive father at some point if he goes with Yuna. As such, Tidus laughing is supposed to sound like he's trying way too hard. But the scene is still shamelessly narmful and considered So Bad, It's Good, even with the context.
  • A small one, but Dona's glorious delivery of this line is funnier than it should be: "YOOUUU can do what YOOUUU wantBarthellowe'releaving." The overemphasis on the "you" and her rushed exit just make this.
