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Narm / Batman: The Animated Series

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Despite being considered one of the best adaptations of Batman, even Batman: The Animated Series isn't immune to some moments that could rival Mr. Freeze's ice puns.


  • At the end of "His Silicon Soul" when a robot double of Batman kills himself after thinking he killed the real Batman. As if his anguished cries ("I'VE TAKEN A LIFE! MY CITY! MY PEOPLE! WHAT HAVE I DONE?!") weren't bad enough, the real Batman later muses, completely seriously, "What if he had a soul... a soul of silicon, maybe, but a soul no less."
  • In the second part for “Feat of Clay,” Clayface’s “death” concludes with Hagen’s rather cheesy line about how much he’d want a death scene like this as an actor, followed by “too bad I get to... read the notices.” He then transforms fully back into Clayface as he “dies” with a slushing sound that doesn’t entirely sound unlike a person defecating which given Clayface’s design is rather unfortunate.
  • In "Blind as a Bat", Bruce gets temporarily blinded by an explosion. Pretty harsh; unfortunately, this is revealed in one of the most silly, needlessly dramatic ways possible - Alfred asks why his master doesn't want to go to a regular hospital, which our hero answers with "Because... I don't want anyone to find out... that I can't... SEE!!". The random use of dramatic silence by itself was quite funny, but the scene also goes alongside some pretty tragic BGM, and the animation team didn't help it.
    • In the same episode, the Penguin hijacks a helicopter by having his Mooks replace the crew. Two men find the real pilots Bound and Gagged behind some oil drums, and feel the need to spell it out to the audience.
      Man #1: Looks like the helicopter crew!
      Man #2: But if you guys are here, who's flying the chopper?!
  • In Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, there's a flashback to Bruce proposing to a girlfriend. She happily agrees to marry him, even though her father was planning to move them to Europe. But a few days later, Bruce gets the ring back in the mail, along with a note reading "Left with Dad. Too young. Need time. Forget about me." This could have been a sad scene, except for the fact that he reads it aloud in a confused monotone.
  • "Avatar," wherein Ra's al-Ghul resurrects an ancient Egyptian queen who quickly goes One-Winged Angel on the hapless supervillain, thus prompting Batman and Talia to rescue him, is genuinely creepy until it's time for Batman to slay the hideous queen-mummy. He urges the others to run, shouting that "I'll do what I can to stop that... thing!" It's supposed to be a tense moment, but the way he says "thing" makes you immediately picture the letters of the word festering and oozing slime down their sides, like some really bad horror movie poster.
  • In "Heart of Steel, Part 2", Commish Gordon got replaced by a robot duplicate and his daughter Barbara started suspecting he's an impostor. The scene in which she tells Batman about it was this:
    Barbara: That man is not my father.
    Batman: (wide-eyed) What do you mean he's not your father?
    Barbara: He doesn't have bolts in his neck or anything that obvious. (note the unintentional pun on her part) He's so... cold to me... (as she says the word 'cold', she hunchbacks and rubs her arms like it's really cold)
    • It gets even more narmy when you consider that she might actually be meaning that in a literal sense, as in an earlier scene, we saw her touch his hand and comment on how cold it was (he's made of steel, after all). Otherwise, it was another (unintentional?) pun.
  • While Kevin Conroy is usually pretty good at delivering ridiculous lines in a completely serious tone, his reaction to Harvey Dent's disfigurement in "Two-Face" is a bit... lacking.
    • It should be noted that when the above scene was shown again as a flashback in "Second Chance", it was re-animated and the dialogue was re-recorded, likely as an Author's Saving Throw to reduce the Narm factor.
    • When Bruce's guilt fueled dream in "Two-Face: Part 2" isn't being tragic, it's this.
    Harvey: You were supposed to help me. But ya didn't!
    • A minor but hilarious animation oversight: in a rather sad scene where Two-Face is looking at a picture of him and Grace in his wallet, you can see his credit card, which doesn't say Harvey Dent but Two-Face.
  • "Heart of Ice" is an iconic, beloved episode that was remembered for being great story and giving Mr. Freeze his famous modern origin and turning him into a Tragic Villain. So at the end of the episode, how is this serious, dramatic, tragic, villain defeated? Batman busts a Thermos full of warm chicken noodle soup open on Freeze's helmet, which ends up defeating him. The fact that THAT is what ends up defeating Mr. Freeze makes it feel like a huge Epic Fail on Mr. Freeze's part and an Anti-Climax for the question of "How can Batman beat this powerful foe?", and it clashes with the mature tone of this story like nails scraping a chalkboard.
  • The end of this clip from "The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy" gives us Batman's out of nowhere growl. Coupled with him only wearing a bandana over his face at the time, it's led to people saying that he's doing his best pirate impression.
  • "Joker’s Millions" has an offscreen moment where Batman intimidates a Joker impersonator from giving him the location of the real Joker by giving him a swirlie. It comes across less of Batman as brutal and hilariously more as him being a school bully.
  • Catwoman and Batman's first kiss in "The Cat and the Claw, Part 1" is a bit odd. Catwoman initiates it and Batman just sort of keeps looking ahead with his mouth closed. He apparently doesn't even notice the kiss for about 10 seconds, which is when his eyes suddenly widen in surprise.
  • And when Mavis tells Batman that Catwoman is in love with him, his reaction is supposed to look shocked and/or regretful - but he just ends up looking mildly peeved, as if he's tired of being hit on by criminals.
  • Batman cruising around in full costume in "House & Garden" in broad daylight, and not picking very good hiding places either.
