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"The Armored Tank Army has already been working around the world, spreading war to many areas. As the wars continue, oil reserves will dwindle, and our empire will inflate the price on our supply for huge profit. Soon, the world's stock and financial markets will crash from the artificial highs that we've created. The wars will cause humanity to supply an unending stream of soldiers and weapons. My empire will secretly destroy those weapons, but keep the profits from their construction. After all the destruction and bloodshed, famine will be inevitable. However, I have no use for the weak. In any age, those with the power win, and prosper."

In the Metal Heroes series' 17-year-long TV run, and spin-off movies, these villains are the most heinous and vile.

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  • Jikuu Senshi Spielban: Queen Pandora is the true ruler of the Waller Empire, using their supposed deity Waller as a means of keeping her subordinates in line through fear. Driven purely by a desire to sustain her own life, Pandora ravaged numerous planets for their resources, including Spielban and Diana's homeworld of Clin. Seeking the genius of Clin biologist Doctor Ben for her own ends, Pandora forcibly converts him into Doctor Bio and later makes him roboticize his own daughter into the cyborg assassin Hellvira. Her other subordinates fare little better under her rule; she tricks Shadow, Gasher and Deathzero into going on suicide missions and petrifies Rikki into a throne to sit on as punishment for questioning her.
  • Chōjinki Metalder: God Neros, also known as Gozo Kirihara and formerly Kunio Muraki, is a truly vile Evil Overlord bent on imposing his twisted will on the world. Originally dismissed from the Metalder project and allowed to be imprisoned in Singapore, he escaped thanks to bribery and changed his face via plastic surgery, building up an empire using stolen mob funds, which masqueraded as a legitimate charity. In order to Take Over the World, Neros focused on mass starvation imposed on whole nations, along with the genocide of humanity; Neros even murdered his former partner Dr. Koga, who had protested against using Metalder for evil purposes. After Shingo Ōgi discovers his secret identity, he brainwashes the man to kill Metalder. When this fails, he plans to blow up his own lair, with most of his minions inside, while he escapes disguised as his lieutenant. When this succeeded, he murdered Metalder's ally Topgunder to torment Ryusei. Having no limits to depravity, Neros tried to force Metalder to do evil, and mentally tortured him before trying to finish him off.
  • Kidou Keiji Jiban: Doctor Giba is the cruel leader of Bioron who seeks to use biochemistry to conquer the world. Originally a being born from a chemical spill, Giba saw his nature as proof of humanity's evil and sought to subjugate them in return. To this end, Giba sent his Bioron agents to kidnap dozens of humans to experiment on, including Naoto's parents and little sister. When Jiban opposes him, Giba kidnaps his child companion Mayumi and turns her into an unwilling suicide bomber to kill him. After his agents destroy Jiban, Giba wages an all-out attack on Japan, leveling entire city blocks and attacking people with killer bees carrying a Hate Plague. Giba is even cruel to his own minions, killing his assistants Marsha and Karsha in cold blood for failing to die in battle. In the finale, Giba uses Mayumi as a Human Shield against Jiban before attempting to bombard every country in the world with his missiles out of spite.
  • Tokkei Winspector:
    • "The Runaway Baby" & "Fly into the Sky of Hope": Professor Onikichi Kuroda was the first and last foe faced by the Winspector team, and undoubtedly one of the worst. Driven by Envy against his former colleague Professor Takazawa, Kuroda programs his R24 robot to kidnap Takazawa's infant granddaughter and hijack a gas tanker before driving it into his house, killing his whole family. After being arrested by Winspector, Kuroda vowed revenge and broke out one year later, staging a warehouse fire to lure Ryoma into a trap. When that doesn't work, Kuroda kidnaps Ryoma's little sister and activates a device that causes every civilian in radius to go on a feral rampage until their brain melts, in the name of causing as much destruction as possible to get his revenge.
    • "The Star Summoning 100-Year-Old Beauty": Carla, real name Miyuki Fukano, is an immortal mystic who leads the Secret Society Q, and who obtained her powers by murdering a peaceful mountain sage. Believing the world to be overpopulated, Carla sought to pull a meteor to Earth that would kill off most of humanity with its impact, leaving herself and her followers as the only survivors. To accomplish this, Carla kidnapped five children all born on the same birth date and performed a ritual to drain their life forces and add them to hers, all to enact her destructive plans.
  • Tokusou Exceedraft: Iwao Daimon, the human persona of Satan, is the president of Daimon Konzern and the ultimate enemy of the Exceedraft team. To win against God, Daimon influenced acts of evil throughout the universe, including getting an alien to destroy his homeworld with a deadly bioweapon, and plots to wipe out humanity by bringing about the apocalypse on Earth. When Mika attempts to save a group of children from the coming doomsday, Daimon sends a trio of demonic Santas to kill them. He later uses his company as cover to murder 863 pregnant women to prevent them from giving birth to the "Child of God", before beginning his doomsday by destroying Earth's ozone layer in order to slowly scorch all life on the planet. After hypnotizing Kosaku and Ken into doing a Suicide Attack that destroys Exceedraft's HQ, Daimon frames Hayato for its destruction and possesses civilians into attacking him. In his final confrontation with Hayato, Daimon admits his end goal is to provoke God into reducing everything into nothingness, simply for the sake of it.
  • Blue SWAT: Jisp is the commander of the Space Mafia's body-snatcher invasion, taking as his host a comatose boy named Zaji, whose father is Sig's host. Over the course of his campaign, Jisp spreads a fungus that turns humans into food; conducts purges of his own subordinates; attempts to hack into America's nuclear missile system and use it to send the planet into a nuclear holocaust; and even stoops as low as possessing Sig's host and attempting to make him strangle Zaji. Jisp eventually attempts to overthrow Queen and use a pheromone to make the rest of the Space Mafia submit to him, his only desire being for a planet to rule himself.
  • Juukou B-Fighter: Emperor Gaohm is a surprisingly monstrous villain in a rather lighthearted toku. Coming to Earth after conquering and enslaving people in several dimensions, Gaohm seeks to kill all life on the planet, so he can harness the power of Saint Papilia when she tries to undo his actions and use her to become immortal. To gather energy for his plan, Gaohm sacrifices his minions Gigaro and Schwartz, and later tricks Hidra into becoming an unwitting suicide bomber to kill the B-Fighters.
