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Memes / Obi-Wan Kenobi

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Please add entries in the following format:
  • The meme. Explanation 
    • Further mutations and successor memes, if any.

  • As the hype for the series built up, there was a resurgence of "Hello there!". Obi-Wan himself says exactly that during Part VI when greeting a young Luke.
    • "Hello."/"Goodbye." Explanation (SPOILERS) 
  • Obi-Wan looking through binocularsExplanation 
  • "Like you trained his father?"Explanation  This meme has additionally evolved into Owen similarly roasting other characters. For example:
    Kanan: In fact, Master Luminara would make a great teacher for you.
    Owen: Like how she made a great teacher for Barriss?
  • The fact that Obi-Wan still looks quite a bit younger than his canonical age despite being only ten years away from the first film where he is completely white-haired has caused some to joke that dealing with Anakin again will cause him to age drastically over the course of the series. A variation is that now having to deal with Leia, who has the traits of Padmé and Anakin that stressed him out, is what will do it.
  • "And Alderaan's not far away, it's Californication"Explanation 
  • No need to watch the Prequels now.Explanation 
  • Metal Gear Kenobi.Explanation 
  • Wade, the Path member who gets killed in "Part IV", has had many fans jokingly mourning him and claiming he was their favourite character due to his lack of characterisation and blatant Red Shirt status.
  • Vader finally has the high ground!Explanation 
  • Obi-Wan became an Earthbender. Explanation 
    • "It's over, Anakin! I have the ground!"Explanation 
  • Drunk Organa Explanation 
