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Memes / House of the Dragon

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He's handsome but in a way you can't rule out inbreeding. Just like his rider.

Like its phenomenally successful predecessor Game of Thrones (see here), House of the Dragon has generated quite the amount of memes.

Season 1

  • Dammit Joffrey, quit spoiling!Explanation (Spoilers)
  • Daemon is the Eleventh Doctor.Explanation
    • "Matt Smith is the perfect casting as Daemon, he's handsome but in a way that you can't rule out inbreeding".
      • "Same goes for his dragon!"Explanation
      • Caraxes the Bewitched of Dragonstone.Explanation
  • Jokes about the Targaryens inbreeding have led to some pointing out that their descendants have retained their unrealistically good looks despite 300 years of Kissing Cousins. Some have mused that in a more realistic setting, the Targaryens should be horribly deformed at this point, resembling characters like Sid from Ice Age or Sloth from The Goonies.
  • Dragon emissions.Explanation
  • With Toilet Humor being ever present in meme culture, fans love to joke about the implications of dragons relieving themselves mid air.
  • "It's Daemin' time!"Explanation
  • Matt Daemon.Explanation
  • The opening intro with rivers of blood forming the Targaryen family tree has been criticized for looking like ketchup.
  • The Crabfeeder has been memed in comparison to the Crab Rave meme where dancing crabs are used as a form of memetic celebration. Also the "Crab People" joke from South Park.
  • The Targaryens all having long blond hair, even the men, have drawn jokes about Legolas or Geralt of Rivia making a cameo.
  • Syrax flying over King's Landing inevitably draws jokes about "that last time a dragon flew over King's Landing." More jokes abound of the fact that pedestrians on the streets below don't pay much attention to a huge dragon flying above their heads.
  • "Corlys and Viserys, please take a seat."Explanation
  • Alicent deadfishing.Explanation
  • Rhaenys and Corlys, power couple who talk shit about everyone else on the show.
  • Everybody looks the same! Explanation (Bear in mind that in the books, the Velaryons and Mysaria also look the same as the Targaryens. The show tried to cut it down.)
    • "Aemond is just Daemon with the D switched to the back."Explanation
      • "You're just a cheap knockoff." "No, I'm the upgrade."Explanation
    • House of the "ae".Explanation
      • Which has also led to some fans disappointed Viserys isn't spelled "Visaerys" to keep with the theme naming.
    • The name "Aegon" is used six times, including Aegon the Conqueror, Alicent's son Aegon, and Aegon Targaryen aka Jon Snow. As such Rhaenyra naming her youngest baby Aegon led to jokes of "Aren't there too many Aegons already?"
  • "Daemon is the new Jaime Lannister."Explanation
  • After Rhaenyra was seen ordering a bard to sing the same song in one of the episodes, many fans began to joke about medieval Spotify and that she had a membership as a princess.
  • The negative reputation of GOT's last season has made many fans joke that it's best to be "cautiously optimistic", or telling the screenwriters "do NOT blow this for us!"
  • The "Prophecy of Ice and Fire" is a Foregone Conclusion to anyone who watched Game of Thrones so the show's attempt to portray its enigma and mystery has been a Dull Surprise to fans. Surprised Pikachu memes abound as fans "prepare" for big twists anyone who saw the original would have seen coming.
  • "I'm done with this stupid franchise." Explanation
    • "HBO really do got us crawling back to this series faster than Jaime Lannister did to Cersei."
    • "If the dragon incest show hurts your feelings again it's all your own fault!"
    • After GOT ended:"My watch has ended." When HOTD premieres: "And now my watch begins."
    • "I can't wait to not give a shit again!"Explanation
  • The "aaaaaAAAAA" returnsExplanation
  • Caraxes' unusual appearance has drawn many humorous comparisons by fans, some joking about the prevalence of inbreeding in Westeros and others comparing his leg-wings to the dinosaur Microraptor.
  • Viserys's mourning hobby of the stone carving of Valyria has drawn many comparisons to nerdy hobbies, ranging from Warhammer 40,000 to Legos. There have been many jokes about how he would've married Laena had Corlys just given him a Lego set or him going off on long-winded tangents about Warhammer lore to an increasingly annoyed Alicent.
  • Daemon tosses a dragon egg, which led to jokes about the trauma the baby dragon inside probably suffered.
  • Due to their various similarities (advisers who have a way with words and subtlety and use them to gradually manipulate people and events through gaining their trust, not to mention their appearances), some fans have taken a liking to calling Ser Otto Hightower the Littlefinger of the show, even christening a similar nickname "Middlefinger".
    • This is downplayed in the mid-season episodes where Otto suffers a major setback and is dismissed as Hand of the King by Viserys. The role of a behind-the-scenes manipulator/spymaster goes to Larys Strong instead, who manages to influence Alicent into eventually turning against Rhaenyra and orchestrates the deaths of his own father and brother to advance his own position while also not-so-subtly blackmailing Alicent into letting him get away with it. Needless to say, fans begin to take to compare him to Littlefinger and even Varys (the very similar name in the latter's case also helped).
  • Otto Hightower being Hand of the King has led to people taking it to itsabsurdist literal extreme.
  • House Hightower sharing a surname with a Constructicon has fueled quite a few Transformers-related jokes.
  • Due to Vhagar being the oldest dragon in the series, some memes and jokes portray her as a senile grandmother who mistakes her riders for Visenya and has a negative opinion of Dornishmen. Some fans call her Grandma, Meemaw, and other affectionate terms for grandmothers, or Boomer Dragon.
    • "Visenya, have we conquered Dorne yet?" "Sure Grandma, let's get you to bed."
    • "How are Balerion and Meraxes doing lately?"Explanation
  • Laenor Velaryon riding Seasmoke while eagerly whooping in excitement had many fans joking they'd do exactly the same if they were riding a dragon.
    • "If I was an enemy soldier and I heard someone saying "WHEEE!" on a dragon I'd probably just die."
  • Otto suggesting that Viserys betroth his 17-year old daughter to his 2-year old son has caused many memes to poke fun at the incest/pedophilia Values Dissonance and Otto's constant pimping-out of his descendants.
  • Viserys's missing fingers on his rotten hand has caused comparisons to Frodo and suggestions that he joined the Yakuza.
  • "We're getting the Godzilla 2014 treatment again."Explanation
  • The Targaryens of this era having the luxury of saddle-equipped dragons compared to Daenerys, who didn't use any ("just holding on Drogon for dear life"). A more...raunchy take on the meme jokes that Daenerys had armored dragon scales "down there" as she supposedly has the soul of a dragon.
  • Daemon reading Viserys's message.Explanation
  • Rhaenyra having a romantic relationship with Daemon, her uncle, led to many "incest is wincest" memes, as well as people baffled to find so many fans shipping the two wholeheartedly.
  • "Is Viserys king so far?!"Explanation
    • "Yes, he is best king."Explanation (spoilers)
  • Daemon cuts his hair short in episode 4, drawing many jokes about how it emphasizes the size of his chin.
  • Caraxes mock-attacking Rhaenyra's ship in the fourth episode drew jokes about him giving her a "vibe check".
  • "Would you like to see the tapestries? He has no interest in such things!" Explanation
  • Drunk Daemon. Explanation
  • "So you want me to be your whore?"Explanation
  • "Ser Criston Cole was put on paid administrative leave for a month" Explanation
    • "AKAB" (All Kingsguard are Bastards)
    • Abolish Kingsguard unions.
    • "Someone found a sword and some milk of the poppy on Joffrey later."
  • Never be a Joffrey at a wedding in Westeros.Explanation
  • Stressed Viserys. Explanation
    • Viserys, Worst Dad Of The YearExplanation (Spoilers)
    • Viserys, Best Dad of the YearExplanation (Spoilers)
    • "Viserys loves all his children equally."Explanation
      • "Viserys loves Rhaenyra and the not-Rhaenyras" Explanation
  • Can't wait to see what crime Daemon Targaryen will commit this week. Explanation
    • "Because he has a dragon that squeaks like a dolphin."Explanation
    • The Crime Hoodie Explanation
  • Aegon masturbating off of a window caused many jokes about how it was the same window where Tommen killed himself, how the windows of the Red Keep are a treasure trove for dead kids, and more "King's Landing" puns.
  • Aegon's resemblance to Mike Wheeler has led to people jokingly claiming that he's played by Finn Wolfhard wearing a wig. Similarily, Jacaerys and Lucerys' curly brown hair and matching outfits have gained comparisons to Chas' kids in The Royal Tenenbaums.
    • Aegon's adult actor looking nothing like his teenage one has also spawned a fair share of memes, joking that Aegon "didn't age well" or that he is a shapeshifter like Arya.
  • The seed is Strong. Explanation
  • Everybody Loves Aemond.Explanation
  • Death by "childbirth"Explanation (Spoilers)
  • "A baby boy!"Explanation
  • HOG RIDAAAAExplanation.
    • The Pink Dread has since become a bit of a Memetic Badass in the fandom, with fans joking that the Pink Dread is more powerful than any dragon or will transform into a dragon-pig, with some joking the Pink Dread is the rightful heir to the throne.
    • RIP Pink Dread.Explanation
    • The Pink Dread appears as a figurine one of Viserys' miniature sets, prompting fans to call out the old king for joining in on Aemond's bullying, or make jokes calling the Pink Dread "The Pig that was Promised".
  • Dreamfyre's brief appearance making her look just like Drogon and his brothers from the original series has inspired many memes of "family resemblance" and jokingly portraying her and Daenerys as having a parental rivalry if the theory she is Drogon's biological parent is true.
  • "Vhagars can't be choosers".Explanation (spoilers)
  • "Aww, Vhagar and Caraxes are just playing together"Explanation (Spoilers)
  • Aemond losing an eye but gaining a dragon has fueled jokes about "Stonks"(a meme poking fun at unfair trade-offs or poor financial decisions) or joking that by losing an eye he now has impaired depth perception and is going to be very bad at driving.
  • "Just kids being kids."Explanation
  • Daemon banging at the funeral.Explanation
  • Rhaenyra plotting to fake Laenor's death got a lot of concerned reactions from fans, as it seems less that she convinced him to fake his death and more like she actually fully intended to kill her husband.
  • Predictably, with the memetic flanderization of Vhagar as a senile old grandmother, jokes abounded of her accepting Aemond because she mistook him for Visenya.
    • The poor lighting of the scene, comparable with the Dance of the Dragons in Game of Thrones Season 8, had fans humorously suggesting that it was too dark for Vhagar to see who was riding her.
  • Larys is frequently depicted as asking Alicent to kill someone or do something equally reprehensible when she even so much as breathes in his direction.
  • Harwin Strong is Anakin SkywalkerExplanation
  • Team Blacks vs. Team GreensExplanation
    • Team Nobody.Explanation
    • Team Dragons.Explanation
    • On a similar note, the team colors are often jokingly compared by "Team Nobody's" to the colors of biodegradable and non-biodegradable trash cans, as both houses are "garbage people".
    • Blackcels and Greenchads.Explanation
      • Greencel Explanation
    • Comparing the arguments between Team Black and Team Green to the infamous Team Edward vs. Team Jacob Twilight shipping wars has become a common way for Team Nobody to mock both sides.
  • Marxist feminist Aemond Explanation
  • Aemond the Passive-Aggressive KingExplanation
  • Corpse husband Viserys. Explanation
  • LET THE GOOD GIRL HAVE A TREAT!Explanation (spoilers)
  • Vizzy T Explanation
    • Vizzy T bot.Explanation
    • Vizzy T bot has become sentient.Explanation
  • "Keep my wife's name out of your fucking mouth!" Explanation
  • Canadian Vaemond.Explanation (Spoilers)
  • They're white.Explanation
    • An extension of this meme is Vaemond asking Jace and Luke to say the N-word or having them answer "who was in Paris" as a way to prove that they're not Velaryons.
    • That is a white child. That is an Andal from the mountains of Andalos. Explanation
  • You dropped this, king.Explanation
  • Caraxes, you naughty boy.Explanation
  • Dance of the Dragons could have been avoided if the Targaryens are more creative when naming their kids.Explanation
    • A plot-changing misunderstanding due to two characters having loved ones with identical names drew comparison as well to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (where it's a plot point that both Batman and Superman have a mother named "Martha").
  • Where is Daeron?Explanation
    • Daeron confirmed.Explanation
  • Daemondbowl confirmed. Get hype.Explanation
  • "A Negroni. Sbagliato. With prosecco in it." "Oh, stonnin'!"Explanation
    [on SNL] Jack Harlow: We don't make those here.
    Bowen Yang: Yeah, we don't bend to lesbian TikTok!
  • Criston Cole sleeping.Explanation
  • Larys Strong's foot fetish. Explanation
    • Directed by Quentin Tarantino. Explanation
    • Footgate. Explnation
    • To be a fly on the wall for that conversation. Explanation
    • Incest>feet. Explanation
    • OnlyFans. Explanation
  • Rhaenys the mass murderer. Explanation
    • Rhaenys kinda forgot Meleys can breathe fire.Explanation
    • The Beast under the Boards.Explanation
    • Green dragons are on vacation.Explanation
  • Aegon is King Dragon.Explanation
  • "Choke me harder, daddy" Explanation (spoilers)
    • Don't make me get my Divorce Rock.Explanation
  • Where is Sunfyre?Explanation
    • They had to remove most of Sunfyre's scenes due to his actor's scandals.Explanation
  • Aemond the (Accidental) KinslayerExplanation (spoilers)
    • The fandom has poked fun at the idea of other major events also being "accidents", such as joking that the burning of King's Landing in season 8 was all Drogon's fault and Dany just lost control, or that Joffrey was pleading for the executioner to not behead Ned Stark. This includes jokes about how future events from the Dance in the books will be portrayed in the show as increasingly convoluted accidents, i.e. a senile Vhagar burning the Riverlands after mistaking it for Dorne, or Daemon falling off his dragon onto Aemond sword-first.
    • "Vhagar just wants to relive her days as a war criminal."
    • "Mmmm, he has a rather Strong flavor."Explanation (spoilers)
    • "You damn kids get off my LAWN!"Explanation (spoilers)
      • "Ok boomer" Explanation (spoilers)
    • LEEROY JENKINSExplanation
    • Arrax, the chihuahua of dragons.Explanation
    • "I just want his eye!" "You want him to die?"/"No, Vhagar, no!" "Go, Vhagar, go?"Explanation (spoilers)
    • "We did it, Visenya! We beat the Dornish!" Explanation
    • "And then there's Chunky! He's dead."Explanation
  • Vermithor likes jazz.Explanation
    • "Soft Vermithor, warm Vermithor, giant ball of fire..."Explanation
    • I WANT IT THAT WAAAAY!Explanation
  • "You're singing to other dragons?"Explanation
  • “The idea that we control dragons is an illus—“ “Please just shut the fuck up.” Explanation
  • "Tis I, the younger brother, who studies history and philosophy. It is I who trains with the sword, who rides the largest dragon in the world..." Explanation
  • House of the OgreExplanation
  • Fancasting Henry Cavill as the entire GOT/HOTD character roster Explanation
    • "Henry Cavill as -" "Please just shut the fuck up." Explanation
  • Jace's virgin walk.Explanation
  • Aemond says hmmmmm.Explanation
  • Visenya the dragonbaby.Explanation
  • And she gets to be queen? What a sick joke! Explanation
  • Blood and Cheese casting.Explanation (spoilers)
  • Homophobic Otto Explanation
