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Tropes in Black

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'Cause I fell on black days...
Landscape, Odilon Redon (1868)
"I see my red door and I want it painted black..."
The Rolling Stones, "Paint it Black"

Black is the darkest color we can see — it is the absence of light, and thus it is the absence of light reflection. Its symbolism can be culturally complex — depending on culture, it can symbolize death, or it can symbolize evil. In a more neutral sense, it can symbolize darkness and the night. In other senses, it can symbolize refined formality or financial security. And because human beings also come in this color, it can also be a powerful (and sensitive) symbol of superficial differences in human complexion.

This index also includes Race Tropes where the color black is literally or symbolically invoked for whatever cultural reasons. For tropes specific to the race, see Black Index.

This is a subindex of Gray Tropes, as black is the darkest shade of gray.

