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Pilot Episode Tropes

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A list of tropes related to pilot episodes.


  • Dropped After the Pilot: The pilot features a character who is absent for the rest of the series.
  • Everyone Meets Everyone: The first episode shows the main cast coming together.
  • Failed Pilot Episode: A pilot that was never picked up for a series.
  • First-Episode Resurrection: The hero dies and is brought back to life at the beginning of the story.
  • First-Episode Twist: The first episode has a plot twist that later becomes significant to the series' plot.
  • Five-Episode Pilot: The series begins with a multi-part episode. In spite of the name, it can be in more or less than five parts.
  • From Special to Series: What was intended to be a one-off television special proves successful enough that it ends up being picked up for a full-fledged television series.
  • Non-Indicative First Episode: For better or worse, the pilot stands out from the rest of the series.
  • Pilot: A test episode made with the intent of being developed into a straight-up television series.
  • Pilot Movie: A full-length film is intended to serve as the beginning of a television show.
  • Poorly Disguised Pilot: A show has an episode that is clearly intended to serve as a pilot for a potential spinoff series.
  • Powers in the First Episode: The first episode has the characters develop powers.
  • Unique Pilot Title Sequence: The pilot episode's title sequence is different from the title sequence used in the series proper.
  • Welcome Episode: The first episode of a series has one of the main characters meeting the rest of the cast for the first time and being given information that is also beneficial for the audience.
