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And on That Index He Had Some Pigs

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With an "oink-oink" here and a "HA-HYAH!" there...

Pigs, boars, sows, peccaries, uncooked bacon, suiformes, whatever you call them, this is the index to go hog-wild for tropes about pigs and similar animals.

Despite the name, The Pig-Pen isn't necessarily an example, as it can be about other animals, and Kevlard (although some examples of the trope are pigs) and Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon are right out.

Here a trope, there a trope, everywhere an "oink-oink"

  • Brainy Pig: A pig that is smart, or at least of above-average intelligence.
  • Cue the Flying Pigs: "When pigs fly" is an idiom used to describe something that's impossible or unlikely to happen. This is often used for an ironic joke with something strange and unlikely happening for real (which may sometimes even involve literal flying pigs).
  • Eastern Zodiac: The pig is the twelfth animal of the zodiac.
  • Fed to Pigs: Using pigs' omnivorous habits as the means of disposing of a body.
  • Full-Boar Action: A dangerous pig, boar, or some sort of porcine monster, ready for a rampage.
  • Gluttonous Pig: A pig showing off why overeating is called "pigging out". Pigs portrayed as greedy also fall under this trope.
  • Housepet Pig: Pigs that are kept as indoor pets instead of livestock.
  • Messy Pig: Pigs portrayed as messy, sloppy, and generally dirty.
  • Perverted Pig: Pigs portrayed as lecherous, perverted, and generally the other kind of dirty.
  • Piggy Bank: A ceramic figure of a pig used for storing money. Often broken in order to obtain the money.
  • Pig Man: Anthropomorphic pigs.
  • A Pig Named "Porkchop": An animal being named after its meat product. While not exclusive to pigs, it is still rather common for them.
  • Police Pig: When pigs are depicted as police officers or otherwise strongly associated with them, especially in a derogatory/satirical context.
  • Sinister Swine: Scary, cruel, or evil pigs.
