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Low Tier Letdown / BedWars

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  • Wizard has an interesting wizard-styled kit, with a wizard rod that is able to summon lightning orbs and even thunderstorms. Too bad they're an Squishy Wizard with emphasis on the squish: The lighting orb barely does damage, and while the thunderstorms are fantastic, they are very easy to avoid due to how predictable it is. To top it off, the Wizard's main weapon, the Wizard Staff, is priced at three emeralds. Said emeralds are better used to buy Telepearls, Balloons, Ziplines, and other emerald items. While the class is meant to be a defense class, other classes downright do it better to the point of overshadowing it: the Archer is able to perform its job of knocking back enemies much better, Pirate Davey can launch TNT at other players and thanks to a Balance Buff, can launch himself into other areas with his own cannon, and Vulcan can easily hold off points from other players.
  • Lassy has a lasso that can pull enemies to her or straight into the void. Seems good in theory, but the executions leaves her performance to be desired: The lasso has poor pulling ability, and she does it such a way that it's very predictable, and even with that, there are other ways to catch retreating players, such as telepearls or speed potions/pies. And unlike the Barbarian, which does have its fans, Lassy pretty much lacks enough popularity due to her generic design and doesn't see much requests for a buff (and probably for a good reason as well, since the major stigma against kits as of December 5, 2021 has reached a major high).
  • Trapper has the ability to place down bear traps that not only stun enemies when they step on it, but also has the next hit deal much more damage. Unfortunately for him, the traps he places are very easy to see, and even without it, it's very easily to circumvent it due to its small size. Not to mention, the Pyro is also available to perform his niche much better thanks to his flamethrower averting Video Game Flamethrowers Suck by having a decent range to inflict it, and does it rapidly due to it being a multi-hit weapon.
