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Literature / The Outcasts Of Time

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The Outcasts of Time is a time travel historical novel by historian Ian Mortimer.

As The Black Death ravages Southwesten England in 1348, two brothers, John and William, stumble upon a family by the side of the road; the parents are dead of The Plague, but their three-month-old infant survives. Against William's wishes, John rescues the child (who he names Lazarus) — an act that eventually results in a voice telling John he has 6 days to live. Does he choose to return home to his family for those days, or will he accept the offer the voice makes him — to live the last 6 days of his life in the future, each one 99 years after the previous, and attempt to save his soul in the process?

Ian Mortimer (author of, famously, The Time Travellers Guide to the Middle Ages) gets to hop-skip through British history (1447, 1546, 1645, 1744, 1843 and 1942) and consider the changing nature of morality, mortality and goodness.

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