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Literature / A Night of Fun

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A Night of Fun is the fourth short story in The Spectral Chronicles, a followup to Battle for the Ages.

It has been a peaceful two months since the defeat of Astaroth. One morning, Princess Lily, Anne-Marie, Lynessa, Ruby, Michelle, Leah, Clara, Katie, and Emily all receive the same letter. Aislin has invited them to a party with a unique twist: everyone who attends must wear a catsuit. While they are happy to come to the party, Aislin doesn't mention the reason for her party until much later...


  • A Day in the Limelight: Aislin, Princess Lily, Anne-Marie, Lynessa, Ruby, Michelle, Leah, Clara, Katie, and Emily are the main focus of the short story, especially with Aislin's good news.
  • Breather Episode: The party happens two months after the intense battle with Astaroth.
  • Pretty in Mink: For function as well as fashion; the ladies attending the party also wear fur coats and capes, since it has cooled off a bit in Kingsport.
  • Scenery Porn: Aislin goes to great lengths to beautify her house for her party, thanks to mood lighting, scented candles set up here and there, a fire in the fireplace, tropical flowers, and the dining room table is even designed to look like its made of silver and gold.
  • Spy Catsuit: Everybody at Aislin's party wears one, albeit for fun fashion instead of actual spying. While the ladies are having their desserts, Aislin tells them why she chose that theme, besides the obvious one: it may be her last chance to wear something like that for a while, for she has recently become pregnant.
  • Title Drop: "A Night of Fun" is mentioned in Aislin's invitation and at the very end of the story.
  • Wham Line: Aislin has become pregnant.
