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Hypocritical Humor / The Simpsons

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Hypocritical Humor example in The Simpsons.

  • In "The Telltale Head," Reverend Lovejoy holds a sermon about gambling being a sin, but at the end of the service as people are leaving, we see a giant sign advertising the church's bingo night.
  • "Bart's Girlfriend": During one of Rev. Lovejoy's boring sermons, Bart starts playing with a Troll Doll; Marge snatches it from him, saying, "I don't want you playing with something that has such bizarre hair!" Naturally, the doll has a similar hairstyle to Marge’s.
  • Lampshaded in "Homer The Vigilante": the captured Gentleman Thief makes a charming speech and the townspeople want to release him, however...
    Wiggum: Oh, sorry folks. [sarcastic] Gee, I really hate to spoil this little love-in, but Mr. Malloy broke the law. And when you break the law, you gotta go to jail.
    Quimby: Uh, that reminds me, er, here's your monthly kickback.
    Wiggum: [Utterly dumbfounded] You couldn't have picked a worse time!
  • In "Curse of the Flying Hellfish", after an assassin tries to gun down Abe Simpson at the Springfield Retirement Castle, the nurse at the dispensary returns fire with a shotgun while angrily shouting "OUR RESIDENTS! ARE TRYING! TO NAP!".
  • In "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show", Comic Book Guy makes a big deal about not cutting in line, and there is to be only one signed photo per customer. He then pushes his way to the front of the line, and hands over four photos to be signed. In the same episode, Lisa comments that television shows introducing new characters is a sign that the format is getting tired... Cue teen Roy, the Simpson's new lodger, suddenly making his first appearance. When Homer later says that he's not going to let them treat Poochie poorly just because he's the new guy, Roy voices his approval. Homer tells him to put a sock in it.
  • In "Days Of Wine And D'ohses", when Barney decides to give up alcohol, Moe suggest that Homer be the new Barney, and Homer says something along the lines of "When will you guys ever learn I am nothing like Barney (lets out a belch exactly like Barney's signature belch)." (They're alike, since they're both voiced by Dan Castellaneta.)
  • Lampshaded by Bart in "A Star is Burns."
    TV: We now return to "The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones."
    Bart: Uh oh. I smell another cheap cartoon crossover. [Jay Sherman from The Critic enters]
  • "Kamp Krusty":
    Homer: Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet! They're about to announce the lottery numbers.
  • "Lisa's Sax":
    Homer: Bart, son? You want to play catch?
    Bart: No.
    Homer: When a boy doesn't want to play catch with his old man, something is seriously wrong!
    Abe: I'll play catch with you, son!
    Homer: Get the hell out!
    Abe: I'm gone.
    • Also from that episode, Homer and Bart watch a Made-for-TV Movie about the life of Krusty The Clown. Homer laughs and comments "What a bad father", while Maggie walks by holding a power drill.
  • Similarly, "Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy" has Abe yell at Homer that he was an accident, causing Homer to kick him out of the car and drive away. Marge later points out that he tells Bart the same thing all the time.
    Homer: But when I do it it's cute!
  • "$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)":
    Bum: Got any spare change, man?
    Abe: Yes! And you're not getting a penny of it! [continues walking] Everybody wants something for nothing. [walks into a Social Security office] I'm old! Gimme, gimme, gimme!
  • An early episode has Homer complaining about the government combining Washington and Lincoln's birthdays into one holiday and ripping off the working man. Marge tells him he's late for work and he shrugs "So? Someone'll punch in for me."
  • In "Monty Can't Buy Me Love", Homer says "... and I'm not easily impressed — wow! A BLUE CAR!"
  • When Shary Bobbins explains she is practically perfect in every way, Homer claims he is as well. He then drinks milk straight from the carton, scratches his butt, and belches.
    • In the episode where Homer boxes, Homer attempts to confront the fathers of Bart's bullies after finding out that Bart's utility belt was stolen, the bullies' father beat him up and accuse Homer of criticizing their parenting skills.
    Jimbo's Father: That's for telling me how to raise my lousy kid.
    • Later the ring is set up at Moe's and Barney delivers this little beauty. "You won't get ME in the ring! Boxing causes brain damage." (Starts chugging on a can of varnish.) A similar gag, occurring while the family are on vacation, has Homer denying that beer kills brain cells — and then saying: "Now, let's go back to that...building-thingy...where our beds and"
  • In one episode, Homer berates Bart for being immature when suddenly he hears the ice cream truck and he pushes through a crowd of kids shouting "Me first, me first!".
  • "The Monkey Suit":
    Homer: I'm always open to new ideas...ONIONS?!? IN THE PEAS?!? WHAT THE HELL?!?!? [throws plate at the wall]
  • In "Homer Defined", when Milhouse says that he can't see Bart anymore because his mom says he's a bad influence on him, Bart shouts "'Bad influence' my ass! What have I told you about never listening to your mother?!"
  • One episode has the entire town turn against the Simpson family and kicks them out of town, saying that the town is going broke cleaning up after the messes that Bart and Homer always create in their shenanigans. However, the town itself has taken part in lots of shady actions that cost everyone money.
  • A meta-example was done twice. "The Bart Of War" had Bart and Milhouse watch South Park, complaining that the kids' voices were done by grownups, with Bart wondering how they managed to keep it fresh after all this time. This joke was reused in a later episode where Bart said the same thing about the Pokemon anime. The Simpsons, South Park, and Pokemon are all long-running shows.
  • "Lisa the Vegetarian":
    • After Homer brings out the roast pig at his barbecue, Chief Wiggum giggles, "Haha, look at his nose!" For good measure, he leans in close as he says it, giving the viewers a side-by-side view of their respective noses.
    • Towards the end, Apu tells Lisa that it's wrong to force one's beliefs on others — immediately after calling her a monster for eating cheese. Not to mention openly admitting to selling people tofu dogs when they paid for real meat.
  • A big one in "Much Apu About Nothing": Moe was one of the citizens most angry at illegal immigrants and wanted Proposition 24 passed so that they could be dragged out of Springfield. At the end, he's seen taking the citizenship test while wearing a Paper-Thin Disguise.
  • In "Bart Star" the family watches a news report showing that Springfield citizens are in terrible shape. After seeing his shorts rip, Bart says he is comfortable with the way he is while eating a Pop Tart. Through a mouth full of food, Homer tells him he's a disgrace to the family.
  • In "Homerazzi", a paparazzo follows Homer around to blackmail him by pinning him as a bad father, much to Homer's chagrin. This is a double example as (a) when he sees the man in the lane next to him, he decides to deal with him — ordering Maggie to Take the Wheel (b) the only reason he is even being followed is because he had spent the first half of the episode doing the exact same thing to celebrities.
  • When Bart and Lisa watch Cooking with Krusty, Krusty berates the chef for mentioning his Jewish ancestry on the air. After Lisa notes that she feels sorry that Krusty is ashamed of his roots, Homer walks in with a plunger on his head.
    Bart: What are you going to change your name to when you grow up?
    Lisa: Lois Sanborne.
  • This exchange in "Simpson Tide" after Homer chastises Bart for getting an earring:
    Bart: Oh come on dad, didn't you ever do anything wild when you were a kid?
    Homer: Well when I was 10 I got my ear pierced, but this is completely different!
  • "The City of New York vs Homer Simpson":
    Lisa: Dad, you can't judge a place you've never been to.
    Bart: Yeah, that's what people do in Russia.
  • In "The Joy Of Sect", when a new Church of Happyology religion is set up in Springfield, Reverend Lovejoy delivers a sermon condemning it as nothing but weird rituals and chants designed to take money from fools. He then tells the congregation to recite the Lord's Prayer 40 times, "but first, let's pass the collection plate."
  • From "A Star is Torn":
    Bart: [stomach rumbles] Uh, I feel like something crawled inside me and took a crap.
    Marge: Bart, don't use that word! [gasps, her her stomach also growls] Oh, crap!
  • In “Smoke On the Daughter”, Homer catches Lisa about to smoke a cigarette, which he proceeds to takes away, throw on the grass, and shoot it with a gun several times. He opens up his jacket to reveal several firearms while remarking that he “can’t believe how easy it is to get cigarettes in this country”.
  • In the crossover between The Simpsons and Family Guy, early into the "Chicken Fight" sequence between Peter and Homer at the episode's finale, Homer chokes Peter the way he normally chokes Bart. The fight stops for a minute as this fact is revealed, with Peter being aghast at it and calling it "insane". Thing is, Peter normally emotionally and physically abuses his own children, from Chris to daughter Meg to baby son Stewie in far worse ways. Like the time he whipped Stewie in the face with a bull-whip.
  • Similarily in "Two Bad Neighbors", Homer goes in complete Papa Wolf mode and starts an Escalating War with George Bush when he hears that he spanked Bart, despite Homer frequently strangles him.
  • In "Bart After Dark", Homer sends Bart to work at the Maison Derrière as punishment for destroying her gargoyle:
    Homer: It’s called responsibility. (drives away and accidentally destroys her mailbox)
    Homer: AAAH! (drives away in panic)
  • In the Treehouse of Horror XXVI" segment "Homerzilla", Comic Book Guy complains about how Abe throwing a donut into the ocean every day has made the fish fat and ugly. The camera then shows fish that look just like him.
  • In "Worst Episode Ever" Comic Book Guy refers to beer as "the nectar of the nitwit." This greatly angers the other patrons at Moe's Tavern. Lenny tells him that nobody badmouths Duff, and tries to break a bottle of Duff to use as a weapon. The entire bottle falls apart in his hand, prompting him to call it a "piece of crap!"
  • In "Tales From The Public Domain"'s retelling of The Odyssey, after the Greek soldiers defeat Troy:
    Greek Soldier (Apu): Odysseus, do not forget to thank the gods for our victory with an appropriate animal sacrifice.
    Odysseus (Homer): Forget it. Sacrificing animals is barbaric. Now, have the slaves kill the wounded.
  • "Treehouse of Horror XIX"'s parody of It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown sees two examples:
    • Nelson resorts to homophobia early on, calling Milhouse's belief in the Grand Pumpkin "gay" — yet when the now real Grand Pumpkin displays bigotry towards yellow pumpkins, Nelson is horrified and calls him "a racist".
    • The Grand Pumpkin himself is quite hypocritical as well. First, despite going on a rampage over humanity's treatment of pumpkins, he only cares for other orange pumpkins, being quite bigoted towards yellow ones (as Nelson's threatened to cut up a yellow one and the Grand Pumpkin admitted to not caring). Additionally, he calls Tom Turkey, a giant turkey that similarly came to life by Milhouse's belief, "preposterous".
