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Hilarious In Hindsight / Death Note

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  • Both of Light Yagami's voice actors have one of these. First is that Swaile voiced a guy named Lan Hikari... Let's see... "Hikari" is the Japanese word for Light...
  • More importantly is Miyano's when voicing Kiba from Wolf's Rain, when confronting Tsume for the first time. Tsume lets Kiba know that he has issues with his killing, but Kiba replies, "What's wrong with killing?" Then, Tsume tried to explain that killing is against the rules for the city, and which word does Kiba use to describe those rules? ROTTEN! In addition, how many letters in Kiba's name have to be changed to get Light's world-wide alias? He had a reverse example of this for Death Note as well. At one point, Ryuk refers to Light Yagami as "a worthy shinigami." Later, in Soul Eater, Miyano voiced a literal shinigami... albeit one obsessed with symmetry.
  • Brad Swaile voiced Quatre, whose name means "four" in French, and who goes on a rampage in Wing Zero destroying colonies. Quatre also hates killing people and is a dedicated pacifist.
  • The infamous "Light gives Matsuda SWIMMING LESSONS" meme is already funny, but it takes even more levels in hilarious when one sees that one of the better known members of the 2012 and 2016 Japanese National Swimming Team is named Matsuda. It becomes even funnier when learning that the other Matsuda from the Japanese Olympic Team is a policeman, and takes a turn into Black Comedy once learned that this Matsuda's speciality is sharp-shooting with a 10 mm pistol.
