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Heartwarming / Wiishu

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Their relationship is pretty adorable.

  • In her "How did i get in to fashion? - RYC #5" with the "How Do You Know You're On The Right Path In Life?" question. She recognizes that a lot of young people watch her and decides that she'll always give advice when needed.
    • Her response to the "Finding the good people in life" question counts as well.
  • As she is experimenting on her content; many of her subscribers are always telling her that they love whatever she does, as long as she is comfortable and loves what she's doing.
    • The comment sections on all her videos is always filled with people who genuinely love her videos and those who came to the channel for the first time and liked what they saw.
    • Upon her saying that she is insecure; almost all subscribers left comments about how beautiful she is and how much they relate to her and respect her. Many even said that she doesn't always have to appear on camera if she doesn't want to (as that is one thing she struggles with); they'd still love it.
    • Always expect a comment every Saturday about how happy someone is that she uploaded. It is usually something like "GET OUTTA THE WAY WISHU UPLOADED" or "Was about to go to bed but GUESS NOT."
  • Whenever Sean/Jack appears on her channel. Their relationship is utterly adorable as seen in this, this and this....yeah, it's practically every video.
